13790 1 RESOLUTION NO. 13,790 2 3 A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACTS FOR ENGINEERING 4 SERVICES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUNDED 5 FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE 3/8-CENT CAPITAL SALES AND 6 COMPENSATING USE TAX, AND THE 2013 LIMITED TAX GENERAL 7 OBLIGATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS; AND FOR OTHER 8 PURPOSES. 9 10 WHEREAS,the Board of Directors recently approved the initial projects to be funded during 11 this three(3)-year cycle in Little Rock,Ark., Resolution No.13,699(May 21, 2013); and 12 WHEREAS, specific engineering companies have been selected through a Statement of 13 Qualifications process, Bid Number 12304 as the most qualified firms to provide these engineering design 14 and survey services for the initial projects to be funded during this three(3)-year cycle; 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 16 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 17 SECTION 1. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into an 18 agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Garver, LLC, in an amount not to exceed One 19 Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Six Hundred Thirteen Dollars ($151,613.00) for Professional Engineering 20 Services for the following Physical Improvements of Little Rock Street&Drainage Projects: 21 13-1-16 West Daisy L Gatson Bates Drive(Streets/Drainage) 22 13-1-67 West 26th Street(Streets) 23 13-1-72 Valmar Street(Drainage) 24 13-2-32A Abigail Street(Streets& Sidewalks) 25 13-5-5 1605 Dorado Beach Drive(Drainage) 26 13-5-5A 1411 Dorado Beach Drive(Drainage); and 27 SECTION 2. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into an 28 agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Garnat Engineering, LLC, in an amount not to 29 exceed Sixty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-One Dollars ($67,831.00) for Professional 30 Engineering Services for the following Physical Improvements of Little Rock Street&Drainage Projects: 31 13-7 -80 Shelia Lane and Meyer Road 32 13-7-100 Victoria/Woodford 33 13-7-102 Sandy Lane/Shady Brook); and [Page 1 of 31 1 SECTION 3. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the, City Manager to enter into an 2 agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Holloway Engineering, Surveying, & Civil 3 Design, PLLC, in an amount not to exceed Forty-Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars($47,500.00)for 4 Professional Engineering Services for the following Physical Improvements of Little Rock Street & 5 Drainage Projects: 6 13-4-100 White Willow Court 7 13-4-102 Gristmill Road; and 8 SECTION 4. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into an 9 agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Thomas Engineering Company, in an amount 10 not to exceed One Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars($183,500.00)for Professional 11 Engineering Services for the following Physical Improvements of Little Rock Street& Drainage Projects: 12 13-3-5 Hawthorne Street/Tyler Street(Drainage) 13 13-3-18 Florida Avenue at"L"&"M" Streets(Drainage) 14 13-3-19K "W" Street;North Grant Street to North University Avenue(Streets) 15 13-3-100 Drive(Drainage) 16 13-4-107 Northbrook Circle(Drainage) 17 13-4-108 Breckenridge Drive(Drainage) 18 13-5-18C Maywood Subdivision(Drainage); and 19 SECTION 5. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract 20 amendment to the existing contract authorized by Resolution No. 13,725, in a form acceptable to the City 21 Attorney, with Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., in an additional amount not to exceed an additional Forty-Six 22 Thousand, Two-Hundred Fifty Dollars ($46,250.00) for Professional Engineering Services for the 23 following Physical Improvements of Little Rock Street&Drainage Projects: 24 13-B-3b Cedar Hill Road Bridge Repair 25 The new total amount authorized for Michael Baker,Jr.,Inc.,for all projects will be Two Hundred Seventy- 26 Seven Thousand, Twenty-Five Dollars ($277,025.00); (Two Hundred Thirty Thousand, Seven Hundred 27 Seventy-Five Dollars($230,775.00)plus Forty-Six Thousand,Two Hundred Fifty Dollars($46,250.00). 28 SECTION 6. Funding for these contracts is available from the existing amounts allocated for 29 projects by Resolution No. 13,699 and only the actual services requested and rendered will be charged to 30 each project. 31 SECTION 7. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, 32 phrase,or word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional,such declaration 33 or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and 34 effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of the [Page 2 of 31 1 resolution. 2 SECTION 8. Repealer. All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or parts of the same, that are 3 inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 4 SECTION 9. This resolution will be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. 5 ADOPTED: October 15, 2013 6 ES • APPROVED: 7 V ,„.• 8 Mir 44"-1* di( /1 / 9 san `n y,City Clerk Mark Stodola,Mayor 10 . ''' ' ■ AS TO LEGAL FORM: 11 12 4,4311-'1-•-7 ------..__ 13 Thomas M. Carpenter,City Attoriy 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 1 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // [Page 3 of 3]