13774 GM CO" 4 ' s18;P eel': 2013073172 Received: 1018/2013 8:09:53 AM =-44. . . Recorded: 10/08/2013 08:14:13 AM Filed & C " Recorded in Official Records of Larry Crane. —+ PULASKI COUNTY CIRCUIT/COUNTY CLERK ,4,$$ ; Fees$25.00 1 'c' \ -,� 7 if RESOLUTION NO 13,774 2 tout "` 3 A RESOLUTION TO CERTIFY VARIOUS LIENS TO THE PULASKI 4 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE FOR INCLUSION IN THE 5 APPROPRIATE ANNUAL TAX BILL; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 6 7 WHEREAS, pursuant to Act 100 of 1943, as amended, cities of the first-class are empowered to 8 direct that owners of property within the municipality "cut weeds; remove garbage, rubbish and other 9 unsightly or unsanitary things upon the property; and to eliminate, fill up or remove stagnant pools of 10 water or any other unsanitary thing, place or condition which might become a breeding ground for 11 mosquitoes,flies, and germs harmful to the health of the community"; and, 12 WHEREAS, pursuant to Act 100 of 1943, as amended, Act 339 of 1979, Act 80 of 1983, and Act 13 1538 of 2001, cities of the first class are empowered to order the removal, repair or return to compliance 14 of a structure that fails to meet minimum building code standards, or raze a building or house that fails to 15 meet such standards, or to repair such a structure; and, 16 WHEREAS, if the City of the first-class fulfills the obligation of the property owners as set forth 17 above, the City is entitled to a lien against the real property for the costs of such action, and to enforce 18 that lien as required; and, 19 WHEREAS,for the enforcement of the lien, a City is empowered by State Law to charge for the cost 20 of the work done, reimbursement for costs to pursue the lien, including title search fees, and reasonable 21 attorneys' fee; and, 22 WHEREAS, it is not always feasible to pursue foreclosure on a lien for a variety of reasons, not the 23 least of which is that any such municipal lien will be inferior to any lien recorded prior to the municipal 24 lien;and, 25 WHEREAS, an alternative method to collect the sums expended by a municipality is to certify the 26 amounts to the county tax collector to be placed on the tax books as delinquent taxes and collected, and 27 this procedure has been upheld by the Arkansas Supreme Court in Tucker v. Holt, 343 Ark.216,S.W.3d 110 28 (2000);and, 29 WHEREAS, pursuant to this alternative statutory procedure set forth in Ark. Code Ann. 14-54-904 30 (West 2013), notice by mail, with a return receipt, was sent to the name and address of known owners, 31 stating the amount of the liens, and the fact that a public hearing would be held on September 17, at 6:00 32 p.m.,to hear any disputes as to the amount of the lien; and, 33 WHEREAS, no property owners appeared to dispute the amounts of the liens; and, 34 WHEREAS, because of the necessity to go through this statutory collection process the City is [Page 1 of 2] 1 entitled to a 10% penalty for the collection efforts, three (3%) percent of which will be retained by the 2 Pulaski County Collector when the monies are collected, and before they are returned to the City. 3 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 4 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 5 Section 1. The Board of Directors certifies to the Pulaski County Collector that the properties and 6 amounts, plus 10% for collection, listed in Exhibit A to this resolution; that these properties and amounts 7 are to be placed on the county tax books as delinquent taxes, and collected accordingly, pursuant to the 8 process used by the Pulaski County Collector, in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 14-54-904 (West 9 2013),as amended. 10 Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to modify the format of Exhibit A to any format requested 11 by the Pulaski County Collector to facilitate this certification and collection process. 12 Section 3. Attached as Exhibit B to this original resolution only (and to be maintained in the City 13 Clerk's Office) are copies of the return receipts that were received from the mailing required by Ark. 14 Code Ann. § 14-54-904 (West 2013), as amended. 15 Section 4. Attached as Exhibit C to this resolution is a format of the letter that was sent to the 16 property owners listed on Exhibit A to notify them of the September 17, 2013 hearing to challenge the 17 amounts of any liens being collected pursuant to this statutory method. 18 Section 5. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or 19 word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or 20 adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and 21 effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of the 22 resolution. 23 Section 6. Repealer. All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or parts of the same, that are inconsistent 24 with the provisions of this resolution, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 25 ADOPTED: September 17,2013 / 26 ATTEST: APPROVED: 7/7 it-6—, 28 asa — .., 29ft• gl City Clerk Mark Stodola,Mayor 30 APP'0 E A TO LEGAL FORM: 31 32 -- 4,/ azt____ ,, —___ 33 Thomas M. Carpenter,City r ey 34 // 35 // [Page 2 of 21 I 2013 Demolition Tax Certification List Unit# I Address I DIR I NAME I PARCEL I ZIP CODE I Lien Cost I OWNER I ADDRESS I CITY,STATE,ZIP I LEGAL I I 1614 I E 1 4th 1 34L00300012001 722021 $1,990.00 'Nettie N.Hodge 11614 E.4th St 'Little Rock,AR.72202 'Garlands Block 2 Lot 9 OIL MILL BLOCK 1 LOT 7 W125'OF 21 2122 E 1 7th 134L0080000700' 722021 $2,681.25 'Evelyn Barnes PO Box 15281 (Little Rock,AR.72231 !OIL 7 31 1907 I E 1 8th 1 34L0090002500I 722021 $2,332.00 'Mary E.Eaton 1 1907 E.8th St. 'Little Rock,AR.72202 (Mclean Block 5 Lot 1 rLEMINCi at BRADFORD BLOCK 1 LOT 12 EXC El MIN WHICH IS INC W/PT LOTS 8&9 BLK 43 WRIGHTS 4 1310 19th 34L1950000800 72206 $2,715.50 Riley Griffin PO Box 214 Parksdale,AR.71661 ADDN Cornelia Robinson 51 4401 W 119th 134L1620023800I 722041 $2,971.75 IETAL 11920 Howard (Little Rock,AR.72202 'JOHNSON SJ BLOCK 25 LOT 1 George Johnson&State FLEMING&BRADFORD BLOCK 12 61 1315 W 121st 34L1950015600 722061 $2,493.75 !George Arkansas 11315 W.19th St. (Little Rock,AR.72206 (LOT 2 71 5209 ' W 122nd I 34L1400001000 I 722041 $2,214.75 (Howard Young 14021 W.23rd St. 'Little Rock,AR.72204 'FORSTER SUB BLOCK I LOT 1 81 2102 I W 122nd 1 34L1930003600 1 722021 $1,936.00 'Eddie Lee Earnest 12102 W.22nd St. (Little Rock,AR.72202 'ADAMS REP#1 BLOCK 0 LOT 16 Joseph Brown&State 91 4103 W 125th 34L1680012700 722041 $2,625.50 'of Arkansas 1PO Box 195034 'Little Rock,AR.72219 'BUTLERS RC BLOCK 17 LOT 2 Ramon Guajardo& WORTHEN WB BLOCK 13 LOTS 10 I DI 1510 S 'Cedar 34L1600013600 722041 $4,374.00 !Ramon of Arkansas 12001 Valmar 'Little Rock,AR.72204 1&11 1 1 ( 1 1 !WORTHEN&BROWN BLOCK 4 I I 2814 W Daisy Bates 34L1880004400 72202 $3,827.25 Tracy Joiner 5506 W.7th St. Pine Bluff,AR.71603 LOT 11 JONES&WORTHEN BLK 28 LT10 Toni Mills&State of NID 46 2/3'OF 10 THRU 12 W10'OF 12 1418 S Martin 1 34L0920028800 72204 $2,202.00 Arkansas 7003 Pat Mell Places SE Smyrna,GA.30080-1139 S46 2/3'OF 10 FOR'S1 HILL BLK 2 L '2 LI 12 EXC E34.6'&E12/3 OF LT 11&PT OF WI/2 LT 11 BEG SE COR WI/2 LT W1.8'N32.3'W2.3'N27'E4'S59/3'TO 13 3804 Maryland 34L0760002200 72204 $2,057.00 Daniel T.Rinck 3804 Maryland Sheridan,AR.72150 BEG Ross V.&Sharrond King&State of 14 2305 S Oak 1 34L1640013300 72204 $1,847.75 Arkansas IPO Box 341 Brinkley,AR.72201 INEIMEYERS BLOCK 13 LOTS 3&4 CAPITOL HILL EXT BLK 10 LT 11 EXT N 17'OF E100'OF 11&S 25 OF 15 904 S Park 34L0430012100 72204 $2,349.00 Pemolia Brown 1600 Park St. Little Rock,AR.72202 E100'OF12 I 1 1 'Lazy D 3 LLC&State I I 1WELDON E WRIGHTS BLOCK 34 16 1917 S Pulaski 34L2020037500 72204 $4,026.50 of Arkansas 9809 State Route TT Mountain View,MO.65548 LOT 5 Successful Properties WELDON E WRIGHTS BLOCK 34 17 1919 S Pulaski 34L2020037600 722041 $3,576.50 'Limited 15609 Forest View 'Little Rock,AR.72204 (LOT 6 Tracy Jamal Baraka& 18 1901 S Valentine 34L1570006500I 722041 $2,478.25 !Tracy of Arkansas 131 Margret ISan Francisco,CA.94112 IBRADDOCKS BLOCK 6 LOT 1 191 1514 I S 'Valentine 1 34L1470000100I 722041 $3,336.75 IRoy Veazey 11514 Valentine 'Little Rock,AR.72204 IPT W PT SW NW NE 8 IN 12 Broad Spectrum CDV 20 1820 S Valmar 34L1570003400 72204 $3,097.50 &State of Arkansas 101 N La Brea Ave STE 503 Inglewood,CA.90301-1792 BRADDOCKS BLOCK 3 LOT 9 I $55,133.001