6686 t1Y"� RESOLUTION NO. 6 , 686 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE FOR THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ; WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING IN THE EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT FOR LITTLE ROCK COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT; DECLARING AN EXCEPTIONAL SITUATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR TIRES ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, an exceptional situation exists in the extension of the contract for maintenance of the City of Little Rock communications equipment in that the City is in the process of changing its communications system and Central Arkansas Systems is installing the new system; and WHEREAS , Central Arkansas Systems has agreed to extend its present maintenance contract with the City until the new system is accepted without any increase in cost to the City; and WHEREAS , it has been determined that competitive bidding should be waived; and WHEREAS , invitations to bid were duly advertised and bids received pursuant thereto are attached as exhibits for passenger vehicle radial tires ; and WHEREAS , Roberts Brothers was awarded a contract on July 7, 1981 , by Resolution No. 6617 for the contract for passenger vehicle steel-belted radial tires ; however, they have informed the Purchasing Division that they no longer produce such tires ; and WHEREAS , the lowest responsible and responsive bidders were determined, and it is the desire of the Board of Directors to authorize the issuance of a contract for the tires to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidders ; and NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to enter into a contract with the bidder named on the attached exhibit for passenger vehicle tires for a total contract price as set out , the funds for which have been allocated in the 1981 budget . Section 2 . An exceptional situation is hereby declared to exist in the extension of the contract for main- tenance of City of Little Rock' s communications equipment in that the City is in the process of changing its communications system and Central Arkansas Systems is installing the new system. Section 3 . Competitive bidding is hereby waived in the extension of the maintenance contract for the City of Little Rock' s communications equipment . 4 Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to extend the contract with Central Arkansas Systems for maintenance of communications equipment . Section S . All items or work to be purchased herein shall comply with the bidding or proposal specifications . Upon receipt of the items or from time to time as may be required, the City Manager and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to issue the necessary warrants in payment of the contract price . Section 6 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval. ADOPTED: November 3 , 1981 ATTEST: APPROVED C -2- • CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DATE October 12, 1981 DESCRIPTION: RECOMMENDATION: Maintenance for Communications Equipment ACCEPT x WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: Central Arkansas Communications 2424 Pike Avenue North Little Rock, AR BID PROCESS: LOW BID OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED DISCUSSION: OTHER (EXPLAIN) Central Arkansas Communications Service FUNDING• Inc. has agreed to extend it's contract with the City of Little Rock for FUND: General communications equipment maintenance for OPERATING Ejj SPECIAL PROJECT ED one year at the same price charged in 1978. AMOUNT BUDGETED: Annual Purchase Order Estimated annual expenditure is $35,000. APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED• None See attached memorandum from Melvin White. ACCOUNT NUMBER: Various 4.05 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ Annual Purchase Order not to exceed budget BID NO: WAIVED DATED: Certified By: Jerry Paul Purchasing Agent , MEMORANDUM CITY OF LITTLE ROCK TO: Jerry Paul , Purchasing gent FROM: Melvin White , Directo f General Services DATE: October 8 , 1981 SUBJECT: Radio Maintenance / Our Radio Maintenance Contract expires October 28 , 1981. Since we are in the process of changing over our radio system and since Central Arkansas Communications is the company that is installing the new system and since it would be difficult for anyone else to maintain this equipment under the circumstances , I talked with Ben Overby in regard to extending our present contract until such time as the installation of the new system has been completed. See attached letter from Mr. Overby. Central Arkansas Communications is under contract with Motorola to maintain the new system for one year. It is my recommendation that we extend the contract. Thank you for your usual cooperation. MW/lp Attachment CENTRAL ARKANSAS COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE, INC. 2424 PIKE AVENUE . P.O. BOX 1087 • NORTH UTTLE ROCK ARKANSAS 72115 OCT 8 1981 October 6, 1981 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES City of Little Rock Communications Division Melvin Vhite City Hall Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Dear Mr. Vhite: Confirming our telephone conversation with you concernin; maintenance of communications equipment, we will be glad to e:::tend your precent raaintenance contract until the ueN system is accepted without any increase in cost Lo the City of Little Rock. 4g;7'T in_cere ly, 3enj rn F. Overbey President BFO/v 1w • CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DATE October 16, 1981 DESCRIPTION: RECOMMENDATION: Reaward of Group A: Passenger Vehicle Steel X ACCEPT belted radial tires, Bid C1029 WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: B.F.Goodrich Tire Center 424 Broadway Little Rock, AR 72201 BID PROCESS: X LOW BID OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED DISCUSSION: OTHER (EXPLAIN) Roberts Brothers was awarded Group A of Bid FUNDING' C1029 July 7, 1981 per Resolution No 6617. They have informed the Purchasing Division FUND: General/Street that these tires are no longer in production. � T ED he Purchasing Division and General Services OPERATING 1.:J SPECIAL PROJECT recommend award of this group to next low bidder. AMOUNT BUDGETED: Annual Purchase Order Estimated purchases for remainer of contract APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: None period is $14,000.00 ' ACCOUNT NUMBER: Various AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ Annual Purchase Order Not to Exceed Budget BID NO: C1029 DATED: June 11, 1981 Certified By: Jerry Paul,CPPO Purchasing Agent � :NT ` 1.-. N el 511 .. , IV_ t. y a f*1 r H r n O O i O ri O H N (D ii c (n Ar O 0 O W O 0 O O G 0' 0. G a G G. G a. G G f G •• v A • ��\\% r r r H r H H \\\ 0 H 0 H o r+ 0 n PI cr w cn w c Cr) $13 PI N ri D3 G w G G i(D Cl ft m o C1 G G G a A GL A A r-' G (D C A A 0 H 0 H 0 r• 0 fH•• r•• In CD tri (D r• N• 00 1-•• 1• II • rt ri (n ri ri CD ri tD ri (D CD CD (D CD t"• CD C r p x m rD \ O HI III I WH\\ • O M M t-.• •J VD 00 O W M M.O u O••••.1.D N pi-, Q0 O CO VD N k4)r a -O > W 3 ° N OD IV O rC z''o i T 8 ^ Ellin ..... 0 i r•+ r ■D W r-. CO o N v O s.0 %O W o H W v+ CO ON O v 3 n o i.- ■! W .•` CN N c x z .P- Iv co co O W N ,.o cr, W O O O v N , N . Q f.• O W f • co F.s.o CCI v T1 C N ON V 03 CO N 3 H W N l!r O N c W �! 00 V 1-0 If' S cn •• N O V a, J V A VD N �c s 3 0 c 3. \ v c D O m C N T z IlL -a a o O k\\ . \ l C > .. 3 r- 3 a • • 1 F�• V I Y v C D 0 C yc ^y • n 4 D 3 0 ■ f c