6666 RESOLUTION NO. 6 , 666 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR RENOVATION OF THE JAIL FACILITY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , an invitation to bid was duly advertised and bids received pursuant thereto are attached as Exhibit A for renova- tion of the jail facility ; and WHEREAS , the lowest responsible and responsive bidder has been determined, and it is the desire of the Board of Directors to authorize the issuance of contracts for such purposes to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the bidder named on the attached exhibit for a total contract price as set out , the funds for which have been allocated in the 1981 budget . Section 2 . All work to be purchased hereby shall comply with the bidding specifications . Upon completion of the work or from time to time as may be required, the City Manager and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to issue the necessary warrants in payment of the contract price. Section 3 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval . ADOPTED: October 6 , 1981 ATTEST: (,jjv, APPROVED: City rk Mayor • CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES DATE September 25, 1981 FACT SHEET ----- DESCRIPTION: Jail Facility Renovation RECOMMENDATION: X ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: Nowlin Plumbing Co. 6208 Jeannie Drive Mabievale, Ar. 7h1O3 BID PROCESS: x LOW BID • OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the low bid OTHER (EXPLAIN) submitted by Nowlin Plumbing of ---- $10,950 be accepted. The release'of FUAiDING: the purchase order will be pending on the Crime Commisions right to proceed. FUND: General Bond OPERATING j SPECIAL PROJECT AMOUNT BUDGETED: $23,754.14 Balance APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: None ACCOUNT NUMBER: 599-8650-3.01 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $Not to exceed budget BID NO: 1232 DATED: August 30, 1981 Certified By: Jerry Paul Purchasing Agent W--- . f w I( i' _.._. __ . .- .. , • Calif r _ : a' s 0 : a t-1 7o c, Z ~,, r H ;.,,1 o r o r � \'\i H C: X 19-3 'iAV��. ly 1 Q 1-4 7.4 H C7 Z r ' O H )-; s- z r K • t i + \\ \\, _ t 0 f- L• n .- D z b O t = z cn o H T r s - 1 1 A ' T 1 k\,' 0 C 0 N Z . D %.O Li v c b i 1 1 _ 1 r t' D G a. X` cc ; ` � I 1 1 D Li, \ l Dr Z 1 ,; , y1 D 1 \� d a r i u) ?-1 I1-4I-4 Al 5 , a)i 'll D a 0 c il