6649 RESOLUTION NO. 6 ,649 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE TO ARKANSAS FARM BUREAU FOR AN OUTSTANDING EFFORT IN THE BEAUTIFICATION OF ITS GROUNDS AT 10720 KANIS ROAD; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS , Arkansas Farm Bureau on August 17, 1981 , was recognized and awarded a plaque for outstanding efforts in the beautification of our city by the Little Rock City Beautiful Commission; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas to also express appreciation and gratitude for these outstanding efforts; and WHEREAS, Arkansas Farm Bureau, not only took the necessary steps to bring about a well planned and well landscaped major addition to our community, but went one step further in the preservation of and the protection of existing trees and wildlife that were on the site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OD DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1 . Sincere appreciation and gratitude is hereby extended to Arkansas Farm Bureau for demonstrating an awareness of the value of an aesthetically pleasing park like atmosphere, not only to itself, but to its neighbors as well; and SECTION 2 . The Board of Directors commends Arkansas Farm Bureau for helping further the goals of the City of Little Rock and it ' s Commissions by improving and enhancing the quality of life in this capitol city, and SECTION 3 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: September 1, 1981 ATTEST: 90//, APPROVED: e (/3 ' City Clerk Acting Mayor