6558 RESOLUTION NO. 6 ,558 A RESOLUTION STATING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS' COMMITMENT REGARDING THE EXPENDITURE OF PROCEEDS FROM A ONE CENT LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock has agreed unanimously that it must have a broad base source of revenue in order to continue to provide basic services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has passed an Ordinance calling for a vote of the citizens of Little Rock on May 19 , 1981, on a one cent local option sales tax to provide needed revenue; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has agreed that proceeds from the one cent local option sales tax will be used to fund basic City services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1. Funds generated by a local option one cent sales tax, if approved by the voters of the City on May 19 , 1981, will be used in the following manner: (a) Federal government revenue sharing funds which are authorized by the Congress of the United States only through 1983 and which are presently used to fund recurring budget items , will be transferred from the City' s operating budget to capital expenditures in 1982 and 1983 . (b) Funds will be allocated to cover projected City operating budget deficits in 1981, 1982 and 1983 so that existing levels of service can be maintained. (c) Remaining funds will be allocated for the following purposes : Public Safety - $2 ,953 , 000 Drainage and Streets - $6 ,663 , 000 Parks and Recreation - $415 , 700 Health and Safety Programs - $321 , 300 SECTION 2 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: April 15 , 1981 ATTEST: ✓ APPROVED: /A: City Clerk Mayor PROPOSED USE OF FUNDS FROM A LOCAL OPTION ONE CENT SALES TAX I. Transfer Transfer Revenue Sharing Funds from Operating to Capital Expenditures : 1982 $3 ,500 ,000 1983 3 , 500 ,000 $7 ,000 ,000 II. Allocations Provide Funds for Budget Deficits : 1981 $ 380 , 000 1982 3 ,500 ,000 1983 4 ,467 ,000 $ 8 , 347 ,000 FUNDING PROPOSALS I. Public Safety 20 Additional Police Officers and Benefits $ 603 ,000 Equipment for Police Officers 212 ,000 Personnel Utilization Study 50 ,000 Detention Center Improvements 100 ,000 Computer Aided Dispatch Eqpt. for Police & Fire 135 ,000 2 Fire Stations and 1 Multi-use Facility 690 ,000 Pumper Truck 90 ,000 Ladder Truck 250 , 000 Fire Apparatus 12 ,000 Manning for New Fire Stations 811,000 $ 2,953,000 II. Drainage and Streets Drainage Projects $ 1, 666 ,000 Street Resurfacing 3 ,678 ,000 Street Fund Shortfall 319 ,000 CDBG Program 1,000 ,000 $ 6 ,663,000 III. Parks and Recreation Ballfield Improvements $ 114 , 700 Tennis and Basketball Court Repair 114 ,500 Playground Improvements 114 , 500 Summer Parks Program 72 ,000 $ 415,700 IV. Health and Safety 1deedlot Program $ 121,800 R.O.W. Weed Program 126 ,000 Spring Cleanup 73 , 500 $ 321, 300 Total Allocations (2 1/4 years) $18, 700,000 %