6548 RESOLUTION NO. 6 ,548 A RESOLUTION STATING THE SUPPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK FOR THE WATER WORKS COMMISSION' S PLAN TO PROVIDE WATER TO NORTH LITTLE ROCK AT THE EAST BELT FREEWAY BRIDGE ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has considered the reconuuendations of the Planning Colimiission regarding the request that the Planning Comniission approve construction of a water line from the water main located at the Little Rock Port Authority on Lindsey Road to the East Belt Freeway Bridge and then across the bridge to North Little Rock; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has invited comments from the Little Rock Port Authority and any other interested persons or City agencies regarding this proposed delivery of water to North Little Rock; and WHEREAS , the Board has considered the recommendations of the Water Works Commission, the Little Rock Port Authority and has evaluated other relevant data presented to the Board by the Staff; and WHEREAS , it is the desire of the Board of Directors to insure that the citizens of Little Rock and the needs of the Little Rock Port Authority be given priority in the delivery of water by the Little Rock Water Works ; and WHEREAS , by pre-existing commitment by the Little Rock Water Works , North Little Rock has been assured that North Little Rock would receive a maximum of 2 , 800 gallons per minute of water at the East Belt Freeway location; and WHEREAS , the Water Works Commission has requested that the Board of Directors encourage the Planning Commission to -1- approve the construction of the water line from the water main at the Little Rock Port Authority on Lindsey Road to the East Belt Freeway Bridge ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . The Board of Directors hereby states its support of the Water Commission' s Plan to provide water up to a maximum amount of 2 , 800 gallons per minute to North Little Rock at the East Belt Freeway Bridge. SECTION 2 . The support stated herein is hereby expressly conditioned on priority being given to the citizens of Little Rock and the Little Rock Port Authority so that there will be no threats of water shortage to endanger the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Little Rock. SECTION 3 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval . ADOPTED: April 7 , 1981 ATTEST : City Mayor -2-