6389 RESOLUTION NO . 6 , 389 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHO- RIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD CONTRACTS FOR ROCK SALT AND TIRE CHAINS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , invitation to bid was duly advertised, and bids received pursuant thereto are attached as exhibits for the following: Exhibit A: Rock Salt For The Street Department Exhibit B : Annual Contract For Tire Chains For City Vehicles ; and WHEREAS , the lowest responsible and responsive bidders have been determined, and it is the desire of the Board of Directors to authorize the issuance of contracts for such purposes to the lower responsive and responsible bidder . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: SECTION 1 . The City Manager is authorized to enter into a contract with the bidder ' s named on the attached Exhibits for total contract prices as set out , the funds for which have been allocated in the 1980 budget . SECTION 2 . All items to be purchased herein shall comply with the bidding specifications . Upon receipt of the items or from time to time as may be required, the City Manager and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to issue the necessary warrants and payment of the contract price . SECTION 3 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: August 5 , 1980 ATTEST: Qjy� �� APPROVED: / // City Clerk Ma -or !/ CITY OF LITTLE ROOK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES July S. 1980 FACT SHEET DATE DESCRIPTION: RECOMMENDATION: _ACCEPT Rock Salt, for Street Department. WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: Carey halt Company 11301) Carey Boulevard Hutchinson, KS 67501 BID PR ICESS: X L. )W BID (Heeting specifi .a i n`.) OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: DISCUSSION: LOW BID NEGOTIATED North Little Rock Sift Water bid _ THER (EXPLAIN) delivery to their warehouse, not to Little FUNDING . Rock Material Yard warehouse as specified FUND: e' in the bid. There is $3.10 ton difference OPERATIMG 0 SPECIAL PROJE T 0 AMOUNT BUDGETED: ;f , - between their bid and the next. It APPROP OR ERANS_, REQUIRED•- ;,,one would cost the City more than this if we ACCOUN1 NUMBER: �2-2 ►tom __.a_ had to pick up the salt ourselves. AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: Recommend award to Carey Sall, Co ., i I , - fl I • ► $ xceec) t the next low bidder meeting delivery BID NIL, Cn034 requirements. DATED: J;;i y 7, 1.9A Estimated annual usage i $15,000.00. Certified By: Jerry Paul Purchasing Agent 4...4 i p...., 71 ,..,z,;,,,,P; ---1 111 -- ii.. 7.3 X. •,, , 0 —4 I .. ' F. c.) ,---., ., , - ----1-- ..____4____,____ _ [ . I. 1,..: 2,- c,: • a v) t_f, c c BP 0 73 it* -1.,. I —1 CD ,\ I --, -0 0 —, .... (.< Di ..... = . = 73 0 : ID \ :\) sw ci- ---, 0 -, c.+ 0 -+I --1 c+ CD CD = 73 vs a) •-.4 , \ -< CO ••• .. . -.... t-I- y, m 0 . VI y. V) 7.3 C3 .-g, C-) m t—a 7:1 > (/) 52; c., = I --I --..........4--..,—. • 'N = v) -n 0 0 • -< 01 (xi .---. C -h CD m v) rt-• V) cn I a. 1 111 M X Go 0 11 .. . . I ... (D ---, 0 0 • L.:***"...."'''...."■■ . 7J —1 f— 'I , - CD I . rri —I C....) c-.) -< CO CD .• -,,,,,, —I r- m • :7..D i.- % (.00 al 0 2 z ii ..., con-1 II:: ci- cf- r+ 0 0 0 II m = 0 = V C: -`--"-• r- -1 , . •1 1 , k • . .• __... . ' -.. &.' . < 0 Z 11 —,---.---.. , . rc co 1, .< .‹ . o gj ..sC.... ".... I CD i ---. e N $ = ;an, I I I 1 . .9. I 1 5 0.) I , CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DATE July 16; 19:4) t - DESCRIPTION: RECOMMENDATION: TIRE CHAINS FOR CITY VEHICLES -.�--®X ACCEPT (WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: {rkansa' Trailer Nf9., Co. 32nd & Elm Street. Little Rock, Arkansas BID PROCESS: X LOW BIB) OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: DISCUSSION: LOW 310 NEGOTIATED Recommend award to overall low bidder, OlhER (EXPLAIN) Arkansas Trailer. FUNDING: FUND: uenerai & Street OPERATING 0 SPECIAL PROJECT [] AMOUNT BUDGETED: (Annual Purchase O rJ: r) APPROP, OR TRANS. REQUIRED: Nine ACCOUNT NUMBER: 180-Varioi.s-4.66 280_Variols-4 .0 6 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $ 11,362.81 BID NO 00042 DATED: July 8, 1980 Certl?led By: Jerry Paul Purchaalng Agent j ••• 7-.y 03 �1Nb n b .F:I -.O ^ v 5 F. c b ,_ rn r_:_ , X. • c-0 r- z z In --I • z. m 0 1\ \ ' mg . . rn z c` Z i _ il 1"i �TJ rn ul III .7 a III • • t. 'n -� IIILt ti •• • N --1 =r ;73 Q0 Go • _ r_ -■ . H '7 . II 1111 co , 7 > y C g ( r- O G C �• C7 CJ T 1 G S m a� n p ►- err W • r ••t LI to 00 W 0 wl , O 1 \ m f It -1 [ r r 1