6100 RESOLUTION NO. 6,100 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICE TO PULASKI COUNTY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1. That the responsibility for the Public Defender ' s office is transferred effective April 1, 1979 to the County. SECTION 2 . That the annual cost to the City of Little Rock will not exceed $17,500.00 if the legislation before the Arkansas General Assembly, which provides for court costs assessments to go toward funding the Public Defender ' s office, fails. SECTION 3. That if the legislation is successful, the cost to the City will be nothing. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: February 20, 1979 ATTEST: P-.0_1(A/x/ APPROVED: 641'1 Allhe.45 X — City Clerk Mayor