5837 RESOLUTION NO 5,837 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK AND FRIENDS OF THE ZOO, INC. ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement, acting for and on behalf of the City of Little Rock, with Friends of the Zoo, Inc. , a non-profit corporation, whereby the City will accept the loan of certain animals from Friends of the Zoo, Inc. Said Agreement shall be in form and substance as follows : AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this 29th day of August, 1977, between Friends of the Zoo, Inc. (FOZ) , an Arkansas non-profit corporation, and the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, acting through its Zoo (Zoo) : 1. FOZ will purchase one male and three female Cape Hartebeests, a type of African antelope, which will be delivered to the Zoo. 2 . The Cape Hartebeests will be loaned to the Zoo for display purposes for a period not to exceed five years from the date hereof. 3 . As consideration for said loan, the Zoo will provide for the Cape Hartebeests a suitable enclosure, shelter and adequate food and medical care. 4 . It is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Zoo is not responsible for the health and mortality of the Cape Hartebeests, beyond the exercise of ordinary care. It is further agreed and stipulated that, in the event of the death of any of the Cape Hartebeests , FOZ shall have the option to replace the deceased animal, but shall not be required to. 5. All offspring of the Cape Hartebeests shall be the property of FOZ , but shall be cared for in the same manner as the original four animals. At the request of FOZ, the Zoo will arrange for the sale or exchange of the Cape Hartebeests on terms acceptable to FOZ , the proceeds of any sale of said offspring to be the property of FOZ. 6 . At the end of the five year loan period or at such time as the sale of offspring from the Cape Hartebeests shall have produced a total of no less than $15, 000 . 00, whichever first occurs, the Zoo shall have the option to purchase all of the Cape Hartebeests then in its possession -2- for the sum of $1. 00 , said option to be exercised by for- warding said purchase price to FOZ at its then current address. FRIENDS OF THE ZOO INC. By 4). AiiiP,,:. W. Ch'.E °oph: r Barrier Vice-Pr-side t CITY OF LITTLE ROCK By (Title) SECTION 2 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: November 1, 1977 ATTEST: 4 (.%4// APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor _3_