5686 RESOLUTION NO 5,686 A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF TITLE I COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT FUNDS; ALLOCATING A PORTION OF SAID FUNDS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the sum of $846 , 404 . 00 from the United States Government,Title I funds of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. Of that amount, the sum of $166 , 858 . 00 is hereby allocated as follows : a) Central Arkansas Skill Center $19 ,573 . 00 b) Work Experience In-School Program (EOA) 55 ,119 .00 c) Work Experience Out-School Program (EOA) 10 , 524 .00 d) On-The-Job Training Program (ESD) 17 ,651.00 e) Opportunities Industrialization Center 13, 249 . 00 f) Skill Training Allowance Payments 42 , 642 . 00 g) Administrative Budget Account 8 , 100 .00 (supplies , equipment, travel) SECTION 2 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption . ADOPTED: March 22, 1977 ATTEST: G/722, APPROVED: a-QC City Cie Mayor