5684 RESOLUTION NO 5,684 A RESOLUTION AMENDING IN PART RESOLUTION #5670 PERTAINING TO VARIOUS FEES TO BE CHARGED AT MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSES; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1. Subsections "C" and "D" of Section 1 of Resolution No. 5 ,670 adopted February 15 , 1977 pertaining to fees charged at municipal golf courses are hereby amended to read as follows : (C) War Memorial Park Golf Course - from opening time to 4 : 30 p .m. 18 holes Weekday Weekend/ Holiday 18 years & younger $1. 50 $3 . 00 65 years & older 1. 50 3 .00 All others 2 . 00 3 . 00 From 4 : 30 p.m. to closing time : All players 1. 50 2 .00 EXCEPTION: Those youngsters having a Parks and Recreation Card indicating completion of City Golf Clinic may play at War Memorial Park ONLY for fifty cents (50 ) if on the course by 8 : 00 a.m. and off by 12 : 00 noon (summer holidays only) . (D) Golf Course Season Passes - Each Course Golf Course Season Pass is good from March 1 through February of each year. Season Pass will not be prorated. 1. Regular Season Pass - Good for one Golf Course only YEARLY CHARGE a) One golfer (weekday, weekend, holidays) $175 . 00 b) One golfer (weekdays only, excluding holidays) 125 . 00 c) Man & wife (weekday, weekend, holidays) 225 .00 d) Parent and child under age 18 (weekday, weekend, and holidays) 225 .00 e) Each additional child under age 18 (weekday, weekend, and holidays) 35 . 00 f) Man and wife (weekdays only, excluding holidays) 150 .00 g) Parent and child under 18 (weekdays only, excluding holidays) 150 . 00 h) Each additional child under age 18 (weekdays only, excluding holidays) 25 . 00 2 . Multiple Season Pass - good for all Golf courses . Must purchase regular season pass plus $25 . 00 -2- SECTION 2 . Subsection "E" of Section 1 of Resolution #5,670 is hereby deleted. Section 3 . Special League Fees and special promotional day fees may be approved by the City Manager. SECTION 4 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: March 22, 1977 4/...a// ATTEST: APPROVED: .�City Cle Mayor