5657 RESOLUTION NO 5,657 A RESOLUTION EMPLOYING GARVER & GARVER, INC. , ENGINEERS , TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE PROPOSED SANITARY LANDFILL; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1. Garver, & Garver, Inc. , is hereby employed to perform engineering services for the design and preparation of construction plans and specifications for the development of a new sanitary landfill located on approximately 130 acres situated on property described as follows: The NE 4, NE 4, Section 16 ; the SE4 SW 4, Section 9 ; the portion of the SW4, SEq Section 9 and NW4, NE4, Section 16 lying West of Ironton Road, all in Township 1 South, Range 12 West, Pulaski County, Arkansas SECTION 2 . The engineering services to be performed will cover site development for Areas 1, 2 , 3 and 4 of the proposed landfill as provided for in Specifications and Operating Methods for said sanitary landfill prepared by Garver & Garver, Inc. bearing date of September, 1976 . The engineering services to be provided are identified and set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and nade a part hereof. The consideration to be paid by the City shall not exceed the sum of $33 , 962 . 00 computed in accordance with Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as though set out herein word for word. SECTION 3 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption . ADOPTED: January 26, 1977 ATTEST: 1.71 • 4 9 APPROVED: Q- ity Cler Mayor CITY OF LITTLE ROCK • SANITARY LANDFILL EXHIBIT "A" List of Engineering Services 1. Perform field surveys necessary to establish: a. Horizontal alignment of roadways, ditches and dikes and waterline. b. Profile for roads, drainage ditches and dikes and waterline. c. Cross section for roads, drainage and ditches and equipment storage area. d. Property ties for offsite waterline. e. Reference points, for horizontal alignment. f. TBM's for vertical control. 2. Design and prepare engineering drawings for following: a. Plan and profile for roads and drainage ditches and dikes. b. Plan for waterline and appurtenances. c. Site plan for grading, placing crushed stone and fencing for equipment storage area. d. Typical sections and details for roads and drainage ditches and dikes. e. Cross sections for roads and drainage ditches and dikes. f. Details for drainage structures, waterlines, septic tank systems, fence and gates. 3. Calculate quantities and prepare cost estimates for the various items of construction. '►.. 4. Prepare contract documents and specifications for the project. 5. Prepare plans and specifications for a pre—engineered metal building and concrete parking area for maintenance facility. 6. Prepare plans and specifications for a fee clerk's office facility. 7. Prepare necessary plans and assist in setting up the treatment facility and operation procedure for the dewatering of bauxite pit (Area 4) and related sedimentation basin. CITY OF LITTLE ROCK SANITARY LANDFILL EXITBTT "B" SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS Payroll Expense (direct salary plus 25%, taxes, insurance and fringe benefits) $15,000.00 torro General Office Overhead (100%) 15,000.00 Expenses 875.00 Estimated Costs $30,875.00 Profit (10%) 3,087.00 MAXIMUM CONTRACT AMOUNT $33,962.00 L