5491 RESOLUTION NO 5,491 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF AIRPORT BONDS; DESIGNATING BOND COUNSEL; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the City Manager and staff to proceed with whatever steps may be necessary for the issuance of Airport Revenue Bonds in the amount of $600 , 000 .00 as the local share of making certain improvements at the Little Rock Municipal Airport. SECTION 2 . The law firm of Wright, Lindsey and Jennings is hereby retained as bond counsel in the matter of the issuance of the $600, 000 . 00 in Revenue Bonds authorized in Section 1 hereof. SECTION 3 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: February 17, 1976 4 7 47 ATTEST: arra- APPROVED: 7 City Cler Mays!