4470 7 1 RESOLUTION NO . 4,470 A RESOLUTION GRANTING ARKANSAS BUILDING COMPANY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS , ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS , THE PRIVILEGE TO USE CERTAIN SPACE ON AND ABOVE THE THE SIDEWALK AREA ADJACENT TO BLOCK 77, ORIGINAL CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1 . Arkansas Building Company of Little Rock, Arkansas, its successors and assigns, is hereby granted the privi- lege to use certain space on and above the sidewalk area on the north side of Third Street and the east side of Louisiana Street, adjacent to Lots 1 through 6, Block 77 , Original City of Little Rock for use in constructing, operating and maintaining decorative building area lighting for the Arkansas Building Company building on said properties . Said lighting facilities shall consist of four lights and shall be constructed in accordance with plans prepared by Erhart , Eichenbaum, Rauch & Blass , Architects for Arkansas Building Company, which plans are now on file in the office of the Community Development Department of this City. SECTION 2 . This permit shall not be construed to permit interference by permittee with any existing or planned public utilities in or under the said sidewalk area, or with any utility franchise previously granted by the City. SECTION 3 . The permittee, its successors and assigns , shall by accepting this permit assume full and complete liability and responsibility for the operation and maintenance of said facilities and for any and all damage sustained by the City or any person, firm or corporation arising out of or resulting from _2` the construction, operation and maintenance of the lighting facilities herein mentioned upon or under the sidewalk area identified. SECTION 4. The City of Little Rock hereby retains the right to revoke this permit in whole or in part at any time the described property is needed for public purposes or for any violation of the terms and conditions hereof, and the permittee, its successors and assigns , by accepting said permit agree and shall be bound to restore said property to its con- dition prior to construction authorized hereunder, all at its expense . SECTION 5 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption . ADOPTED: December 7, 1970 (j.4444.4- 4.104,-,--20„:„ ATTEST: Z 7?.�J APPROVED: City Cler Assistant Mayor