4436 RESOLUTION NO. 4,436 A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF VARIOUS ITEMS TO BE USED BY THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS , invitation to bid was duly advertised and bids received pursuant thereto according to law for the purchase of various items to be used by the City of Little Rock; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible and responsive bidders have been determined and it is the desire of the Board of Directors to authorize the purchase of these items from the lowest responsible and responsive bidders. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1 . The lowest responsible and responsive bids on contracts for the purchase of various items to be used by the City are hereby accepted and contracts awarded as follows: QUANTITY ITEM SUCCESSFUL PURCHASE PRICE BIDDER INCLUDING TAX 60 Nylon Jacket-Fur Collar Farriors, Inc. $1,761 ,60 70 Year Around Trousers Farriors, Inc. $1 , 218.49 Stock 80 Winter shirt - Stock Farriors, Inc. $ 601, 52 SECTION 2. Upon delivery of the aforementioned items complying in all respects with the bidding specifications and bid proposal the City Manager and Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary warrant or warrants in payment of the said purchase prices. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: September 8, 1970 ATTEST: APPROVED: / 019, City Cler ayor