4093 ./ RESOLUTION NO. 4, 093 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS A PORTION OF BOYLE PARK; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Sewer Improvement District No. 137 desires to construct and maintain a sewer line over and acros4 a portion of Boyle Park; and WHEREAS, all costs of construction and maintenance will be borne by Sewer Improvement District No. 137. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . SECTION 1. A Forty (40) foot Construction Easement is hereby granted Sewer Improvement District No. 137, the Easement being described as follows : A part of the SWk, SWk, Section 12, T-1-N, R-13-W, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point on the West line of the said SW , SW4, 512 feet South of the NW corner thereof; thence Easterly, along the nominal centerline for a 40-foot wide easement, the South side being 8 feet wide and the North side 32 feet wide, for 5 . 6 feet; thence South 12° 04' East along said nominal centerline for a 40-foot wide easement, the West side being 6. 8 feet wide and the East 33.2 feet wide, for 8 feet, more or less to a point East of the common rear corner of Lots 154 and 155 , Meadowlark Subdivision; thence continue South 12° 04' East along said nominal centerline for a 40-foot wide easement, the West side being 6. 8 feet wide and the East 33. 2 feet wide, at the last above described point, for 167 feet, more pr less, to the point of ending, the West side being 20 feet wide and the East 20 feet wide, and to an existing manhole for a 24-inch sanitary sewer 38 feet, more or less, East of the West line of said SWk, SWk. SECTION 2 . A Ten (10) foot Maintenance Easement is hereby granted Sewer Improvement District No. 137 described as follows : -2- A part of the SW4, SW4, Section 12 , T-1-N, R-13-W, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point on the West line of the said SW4, SW4, 512 feet South of the NW corner thereof; thence, Easterly, along the nominal centerline for a 10 foot wide easement, the South side 8 feet wide and the North side 2 feet wide, for 5 . 6 feet; thence, South 12° 04' East along said nominal centerline for a 10 foot wide easement, the West 6 . 8 feet wide and the East 3. 2 feet wide, for 8 feet, more or less , to a point, East of the common rear corner to lots 154 and 155 , Meadowlark Sub- division; thence, continue, South 12° 04' East, along said nominal centerline for a 10 foot wide easement, the West 6 . 8 feet wide, and the East 3. 2 feet wide, at the last above described point, for 167 feet, more or less , to the point of ending, the West 5 feet wide and the East 5 feet wide, and to an existing manhole for a 24 inch sanitary sewer, 38 feet, more or less , East of the aforesaid West line of the SW4, SW4, Section 12 . SECTION 3. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary documents to grant this Easement to Sewer Improvement District No. 137 . SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: October 21 , 1968 ATTEST: APPROVED : / / City Clerk Mayor 0