4088 q RESOLUTION NO. 4, 088 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE DATE FOR A HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE VACATING, ABANDONING AND CLOSING THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY LOCATED WITHIN BLOCK 3, ORIGINAL CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS , IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR CENTRAL LITTLE ROCK URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, PROJECT NO. ARK R-12 . WHEREAS, the provisions of the Urban Renewal Plan for the Central Little Rock Urban Renewal Project , Project ARK R-12 , provides for the closing of the North-South alley located within Block 3 , Original City of Little Rock, Arkansas , in connection with the redevelopment of the lands in said Block; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : Section 1. That the 18th day of November , 1968, at 7 :30 o'clock P .m. , in the Chambers of the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas , is the date and time fixed for hearing upon an ordinance providing for the vacating, abandoning and closing of the North-South alley located within Block 3 , Original City of Little Rock, Arkansas . Section 2 . That the City Clerk of Little Rock, Arkansas , give notice of such hearing by publication once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks , in some newspaper published in the County and having a general circulation in the City, stating in said Notice the name of the Housing Authority of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas , a description of the alley to be vacated, and advising all persons that on the date named above , the Board of Directors will determine whether said alley should be closed. ADOPTED: October 21 , 1968. APPROVE / ATTEST: MAYOR �p CITY CLERK