3689 RESOLUTION NO. 3,689 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF WORTHEN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF DANE M. GREER TO SELL TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO BE UTILIZED IN HINDMAN PARK; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Worthen Bank and Trust Company, Guardian of the Estate of Dane M. Greer, is the owner of the NW: NE3, Section 26, f-1-N, R-13-W, Pulaski County, Arkansas, contain- ing 40 acres, and as such owner has tendered to the City of Little Rock an "Offer and Acceptance" to sell said lands to the City for a purchase price of $30,000.00 ; and WHEREAS, the Oity of Little Rock needs said land to be used for the purpose of developing Hindman Park and desires to accept said offer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARIA?SAS. SECTION 1 . The City of Little Rock hereby accepts the offer to sell by Worthen Bank and Trust Company, Guardian of the Estate of Dane N. Greer of property described as the NW4 NEB;, Section 26, T-1-N, R-13-W, Pulaski County, Arkansas, con- taining 40 acres for the purchase price of $30,000.00, and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Offer and Acceptance for and on behalf of the City of Little Rock. SECTION 2. The City Dianager and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to issue the necessary warrant or warrants for the purchase price herein approved to the person or persons entitled thereto according to the opinion of the City Attorney so as to vest full le-4a1 title to said property in the City of - 2 - Little Rock. This property is further identified as Parcel C-65-P-76-C (Hindman Park) , and the purchase price for said land is to be paid from the Hindman gift which has heretofore been credited to Hindman Park Project No. 46. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: January 3, 1967 ATTEST; L-1 APPROVED: / / / City Clerk Mayor