3609 RESOLUTION NO. 3,609 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FOR TWO THREE-WHEEL MOTORCYCLES WITH DUMP BEDS AND TWO THREE-WHEEL MOTOR- CYCLES FOR PAING METER SERVICE; AUTHORIZ- ING THE PURCHASE THEREOF; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, invitation to bid was duly published and bids received pursuant thereto according to law for two three-wheel motor- cycles with dump beds and two three-wheel motorcycles of standard construction; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible and responsive bid for the two motorcycles with dump beds was the bid of Capital Equipment Company in the sum of $4,722.55 and the lowest responsible and respon- sive bid for two standard three-wheel motorcycles was the bid of Capital Equipment Company in the sum of $3, 531.70, under its alternate bid 42; and 4Hr:RGA , it is the desire of the Board of Directors to accept the aforesaid bids and authorize the purchase of the motor- cycles complying with the specifications for bidding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The bid of Capital Equipment Company in the sum of $4,722. 55 for two three-wheel motorcycles with dump beds in accordance with the specification for bidding and the bid proposal is hereby accepted. The bid of Capital Equipment Company in the sum of $3, 531.70, under alternate bid #2, for two three-wheel motorcycles for use by the parking Meter Division in accordance with the specifications for bidding and the bid proposal is hereby accepted. SECTION 2. The City Manager and Director of Finance, upon receipt of the motorcycles above described complying with the bidd- ing specification and bid proposal, are hereby authorized and directed to issue the necessary warrant or warrants in payment therefore. SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: August 1, 1966 / ATTEST: vJ�C Lva c�I /, ,�3e APPROVED /OP • 1G,L City Clerk Mayor