3600 RESOLUTION NO. 3,600 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO SALARY RAISES FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES; DIRECTING THAT SAID REVISED SALARIES BE- COME EFFECTIVE BY :AMENDMENT TO THE BUD- GET ORDINANCE OF THIS CITY AT THE EARLIEST PRACTICABLE TIME: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the report of the City Manager heretofore requested by this Board of Directors has been received, which report makes certain recommendations for salary increases within certain classifications of municipal employment; and WHEREAS, in order to provide competitive salaries and wages for certain classifications of employment, an increase of pay is necessary and the increase recommended by the City Manager appears to be reasonable and within the fiscal limita- tions of this City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. The report of the City Manager pertain- ing to salary and wage increases for certain classes of municipal employees, which report was received on July 13, 1:66, is hereby accepted. SECTION 2. The suggested salary and wage increases recommended by the City Manager are approved and the City Manager and Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to incorporate said changes into the Budget of the City of Little Rock in the mid-year budget revision now in progress. SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: July 18, 1966 ATTEST: to PROVED: City Clerk Mayor /