3541 RESOLUTION NO. 3, 541 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF CERTAIN BIDDERS FOR TRACTORS AND CERTAIN ATTACHMENTS FOR USE IN THE PARKS DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK; AUTHO- RIZING PAYMENT; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, invitation to bid was duly advertised and bids received pursuant thereto according to law for certain trac- tors for use in the Parks Department of the City of Little Rock; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible and responsive bids have been determined, and it is the desire of this Board of Direc- tors to authorize the purchase of said equipment from the low- est responsible and responsive bidders and to accept the best bids ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The bids of the respective bidders in the sums below for the several items of equipment are hereby ac- cepted, as follows : ITEM BIDDER PRICE 1 Tractor Loader The Carl Bailey Co. $3,099.99 1 Tractor Mower The Carl Bailey Co. 2,850.40 2 Tractors Mid-State Tractor Co. 5,128.98 1 Mowing Attachment The Carl Bailey Co. 736.14 SECTION 2. Upon delivery of each of the foregoing items of equipment, the City Manager and Director of Finance are authorized and directed to execute the necessary warrent or warrents in payment of the purchase price. All equipment fur- nished shall comply with the bidding specifications and the bid proposal in all respects. - 2 - SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. DOPTED: April 4, 1966 ATTEST: (-1),1. -7 + ode.t�ti APPROVED 4r City`�Glerk Ma o y