3468 RESOLUTION NO. 3 ,468 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF E.E. ARMBRUST IN THE SUM OF EIGHTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND no/100 DOLLARS ($18, 300.00) FOR CERTAIN REMODELING OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, invitation to bid was duly advertised and bids received pursuant thereto for certain remodeling of the Natural History Museum; and, WHEREAS, the lowest responsible and responsive bid was the bid of E. E. Armbrust in the sum of Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($18, 300.00) ; and, • WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to accept the bid of E. E. Armbrust and to authorize a contract for the performance of the remodeling work. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The bid of E. E. Armbrust in the sum of Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($18, 300.00) for certain remodeling of the Natural History Museum in accordance with the plans, specifications and other bidding documents is hereby accepted. SECTION 2. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute for and in behalf of the City of Little Rock, a contract with the said E. E. Armbrust which contract shall be in form and substance as follows: THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS '::.I AIA DOCUMENT A101 SEPT. 1968 ED. THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR 0 WHERE THE BASIS OF PAYMENT IS A ` STIPULATED SUM THIS FORM TO BE USED ONLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF AIA DOCUMENT A201, GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made this 21 day of December in the year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Five B Y AND BETWEEN City of Little Rock hereinafter called the Owner, and E. E. Armbrust hereinafter called the Contractor, WITNESSETH, that the Owner and the Contractor for the considerations hereinafter named agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all of the work shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications entitled: (Here insert the caption descriptive of the work as used on other contract documents.) Drawings entitled Alterations to Building, Museum of Science and Natural History,The City of Little Rock, Arkansas (MacArthur Park) prepared by: Robinson and Wassell , Architects H acting as and in these Contract Documents entitled the Architect; and shall do everything required by this m Agreement, the General Conditions of the Contract, the Specifications and the Drawings. OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ty AIA DOC. A101 SEPT. 1963 ED. FOUR PAGES C C 1968 The American Institute of Architects PAGE 1 1785 New York Ave NW.,Washington,D.C. • I ARTICLE 2. TIME OF COMPLETION The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced and completed as follows: (Here insert stipulation as to liquidated damages. If any.) Work to commence on or about the 23rd of December, 1965 a to be completed in approximately 60 calendar days. and ARTICLE 3. THE CONTRACT SUM The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Contract, subject to additions and deduc- tions provided therein, in current funds as follows: (State here the lump sum amount, unit Eighteen Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars ($18,300. 00) or both, as desirea.� ,300. 00) Where the quantities originally contemplated are so changed that application of the agreed unit price to the quantity of work performed is shown to create a hardship to the Owner or the Contractor, there shall be an equitable adjustment of the Contract to prevent such hardship. OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FOUR PAGES AIA DOC. A101 SEPT. 196E ED. PAGE 2 ARTICLE 4. PROGRESS PAYMENTS The Owner shall make payments on account of the Contract as provided therein, as follows: On or about the 1St day of each month 9 0$ per cent of the value, based on the Contract prices of labor and materials incorporated in the work and 90 is per cent of materials suitably stored at the site thereof or at some other location agreed upon in writing by the parties up to the 1St day of that month, as estimated by the Architect, less the aggregate of previous payments; and upon Substantial Completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to 9 0$ per cent of the Contract price. (Insert here any provision made for limiting or reducing the amount retained after the work reaches a certain stage of completion.) ARTICLE 5. ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT Final payment shall be due 3 0 days after Substantial Completion of the work provided the work be then fully completed and the contract fully performed. Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection and acceptance, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he finds the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully performed he shall promptly issue a final certificate, over his own signature, stating that the work provided for in this Contract has been completed and is accepted by him under the terms and con- ditions thereof, and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, and noted in said final certificate, is due and payable. Before issuance of final payment the Contractor shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Architect that all payrolls, material bills, and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid or otherwise satisfied. If after the work has been Substantially Completed, full completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Architect so certifies, the Owner shall, upon certificate of the Architect, and without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the work fully completed and accepted. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FOUR PAGES AIA DOC. A101 SEPT. 1963 ED. PAGE 3 ARTICLE 6. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The General Conditions of the Contract, the Supplementary General Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings, together with this Agreement, form the Contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. There follows an enumeration of the Contract Documents: Description of Drawings: Sheet 1 Site Plan and Project Schedule Sheet 2 Finish Schedule and Small Scale Plans Sheet 3 Basement Floor Plan Sheet 4 First Floor Plan Sheet 5 Second Floor Plan Sheet 6 Interior Details Sheet 7 Mechanical Plans Sheet 8 Electrical Plans Specifications Entitled: Specifications for Alterations to Office Building 7th g Pulaski Sts. , Little Rock, Arkansas for Meyer' s Bakeries See Attached Sheet F i IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. Owner Contractor‘e. OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FOUR PAGES AIA DOC. A101 SEPT. 1963 RD. PAGE 4 All the preceding documents and the following projects as outlined on Sheet No. 1 Project A, B, E, F, and G partially (Education Room, and Stair Well) as modified by the following •leletion, additions and modifications: Project A - No Change Project B 1. Omit carpet runner and repairs of center stair from first floor to second floor (This is not a public use stair at this time) Project E 1. Omit built-in work table 2. Omit cabinets and shelves over sink and refrigerator. Cabinets between these two sections to remain. 3 . Omit folding door at coat closet, but finish opening such that the door may be installed at a later date. 4 . Omit gyp board ceiling, and substitute in lieu thereof, the scraping and sanding of the existing wood ceiling and paint- ing same in accordance with Division 28 ,"Painting" of the specifications. 5. Change the two new fluorescent light fixtures from Palco #SF-1400 to Silvray-Litecraft #30324 "Madera" (two-tube 40W R. S. with white frame, walnut panels and styrene diffuser) . Project F 1. Change plywood paneling from Birch to pre-finished Philippens Mahagony. 2 . Omit built-in cabinets and safe in Directors Office. 3. Omit built-in conference table 4. Change new fluorescent light fixtures from Palco #SF-1400 to Silvray-Litecraft #30324 "Madera". Project G (Partial - Education Room and Stair Well) 1. Omit gyp board ceiling and substitute in lieu thereof, the scraping and sanding of the existing wood ceiling and painting same in accordance with Division 28 , "Painting" of the specifications. 7 2 . Omit the partition separating the Education Room and the Stair Well, including both doors that fell in that partition. 3. Omit gyp board on East side of new partition separating Stair Well from unrenovated space. 4. Omit the door in the South end of the partition separating the Stair Well and unrenovated space (Leave new door at North end) Miscellaneous 1. Substitute spackling putty for gypsum plaster for patching small blemishes. 2. Reduce carpet allowance from $10. 00 per yard as specified to $8.00 per yard (including carpet, pad, and labor) 3. Omit the cleaning of the paint from the stone walls in the Preparation Room, Conference Room, and Directors Office. (This work to be accomplished by the Owner. ) -2- SECTION 3. The City Manager and Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to pay all approved estimates during and after completion of the work in accordance with the terms of the contract described in Section 2 hereof. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: December 20, 1965 ATTEST: 7 J`. JBet.Ss�C// APPROVED: / City Clerk Mayor 1