2882 RESOLUTION NO. 2,882
A RESOLUTION Setting a Time and Place for
a Public Hearing on a Petition to Vacate,
Abandon and Close a Portion of U Street.
WHEREAS, a Petition was duly filed with the Board of
Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, on TrtaY 7,
1962, praying that the Board of Directors vacate, abandon and
close a portion of a street, which is described below, and
WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 3, Act 17 of 1945,
appearing as Ark. Stats. 19-3826 (1956 Repl. ) , that there shall
be a public hearing of such Petition and that Notice of the public
hearing shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks
in some newspaper of general circulation;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors
of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas:
Section 1 . At the September 4th , 1962, regular
meeting of the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, there
shall be a public hearing of the Petition to vacate, abandon and
close the following described portion of "U" Street located in
Blocks 13 and 14, Bellevue Addition to the City of Little Rock,
That portion of "U" Street which is
bounded on the north by Lots 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, l4, 15, and 16, Block 13, and which is
bounded on the south by Lots 1, 2, 3, 4+, 5,
6, and fractional Lots 7 and 8, Block 14.
Section 2. The City Clerk shall cause Notice of the
above public hearing to be published once a week for two consecu-
tive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation.
Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage.
Mayor C�—
August 20, 1962
City lerk