2856 RESOLUTION NO. 2,856 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPROVING THE PREPARATION OF A COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRAM FOR LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, AND THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR A FEDERAL GRANT TO ASSIST IN FINANCING ITS PREPARATION. WHEREAS under Title 1 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to make grants for the preparation or completion of Community Renewal Programs ; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Metro- politan Area Planning Commission of Pulaski County prepare a Community Renewal Program for the City of Little Rock, situated in the County of Pulaski, State of Arkansas , as one of the participants of the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission's application for a Community Renewal Program grant; WHEREAS, it is recognized that the Federal contract for a grant to assist in the preparation of the Community Renewal Program will require, among other things , that : (1) the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission shall prepare the Community Renewal Program with all practicable dis- patch; (2) the Community Renewal Program shall conform to the general plan of the Locality as a whole; and (3) other local obligations and responsibilities in connection with the preparation of the Community Renewal Program: NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That the preparation of the Community Renewal Program referred to above by the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission is hereby approved. Section 2. That the financial assistance under Title 1 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, referred to above is required to enable the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission to finance the preparation of tine Community Renewal Program. Section 3 . That it is fully cognizant of the obligations and responsibilities that are imposed by a Federal contract for a Lrar:t to assist in the preparation of a Community Renewal Program, and it is the sense of this body that such obligations can and will be fulfilled. Section 4. That the filing of an application by the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission for a grant under Title 1 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, in an amount not to exceed $69, 000 to assist in financing the preparation of a Metropolitan Community Renewal Program is hereby authorized and approved. Adopted: June 4, 1962 Approved: Attest : iaA.:.0 .1726e—Cd-vd City Clerk