2807 RESOLUTION NO . 2,807
WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, by its Mayor and
City Clerk, did enter into an Agreement with the Arkansas State
Highway Commission authorizing the said Highway Commission to
undertake a traffic survey of the Little Rock Metropolitan Area,
all pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No . 2505 adopted on
March 21, 1960; and
WHEREAS, the City of North Little sock and Pulaski County,
Arkansas, also executed said Agreement in order that they might
participate jointly in said survey; and
WHEREAS, there now appears that other parties are interested
in participating in said survey; and
WHEREAS, the Arkansas State Highway Commission has prepared
an Amended Agreement to be executed by the interested parties;
SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Little
Rock, Arkansas, are hereby authorized and directed to enter into
and execute an Limended Agreement with the Arkansas State Highway
Commission and various parties authorizing said Commission to under-
take a cooperative project known as a Transportation Study of
Pulaski County.
SECTION 2. The Amended Agreement referred to in Section 1. here-
of shall be in and substance as follows:
This agreement, made and entered into this day of _. .�
1962, by and between the Arkansas State Highway Commission, hereinafter
called "Commission", and the City of Little Rock, City of North Little Rock,
and Pulaski County, hereinafter called "Local Governments", and the Metro-
politan Area Planning Commission of Pulaski County, hereinafter called
Metroplan, is an amendment of the original agreement made for the same
purpose between the Commission and Local. Governments, dated March 28, 1R + *
and all portions of the original agreement are incorporated herein except
wherein amended; and it WITNESSETH:
The parties hereto propose, for the benefit of the public, to, under-
take a cooperative project, designated as a "Transportation Study of
Pulaski County", hereinafter called "Project" dr "Study". Said project
will include a complete fact-gathering program that can be used as a basis
for evaluating deficiencies, projecting future needs, and formulating a
sound transportation policy and plan for the area.
The Local Governments have evidenced their intention and good faith in
this project by submiss ion of a formal proposal for the study wherein it
was stated that local funds would be provided for the work in an amount
equal to one-half that required to match Federal-Aid funds required for the
In order to initiate this proposal , the Commission has authorized the
study to be undertaken as a Federal-Aid Project at a total estimated cost
No 1559 of January 27 , 1960.
of $150,000, as set , L:ii'ti in Minute c L._lh'T' ?i\'e). .
It is understood that the p_ feet herein contr ,fated is to be financed
7fl :..+ hv Federal -Airt tfighw y Planning Survey funds apportioned to the
Public Roads , and expended under its regulations; that all work involved,
claims presented for reimbursement, and procedures in general are subject
sr all times to all federal laws, rules, regulations, orders, and approvals
applying to it as a Federal-Aid project.
It is further understood that the Transportation Study of Pulaski
County herein proposed will also be financed in part with funds made
available under the provisions of Section 701 of the National Housing Act
of 1954, as amended, and the funds expended will be governed by the laws,
rules, and regulations applying to the Urban Renewal Administration of
Housing and Home Finance Agency.
As a condition for initiation of the work involved in the Pulaski
County Transportation Study, it is necessary that the participating agen-
cies reach agreement on al] matters relating to the scope of work, methods
of procedure, division of responsibility, and methods of payment.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein
contained, and subject to the provisions of the recital above, the parties
hereto agree:
a. For the purpose of developing final plans, determining specific purposes,
defining overall scope, and providing general policy guidance to the study
staff, a Transportation Study Steering -and Technical Committee is hereby
established to be comprised of not more than the following number of rep-
resentatives from the participating governments and agencies: Little
Rock, 5; North Little Rock, 4; Pulaski County, 2; Highway Department, 2;
Bureau of Public Roads, 2; Metroplan, 1; any other participating govern
mont or agency.; 1; and any cooperating agency or authority may have one
ex-officio representative if deemed advisable by a majority of the offi-
cial Committee members. Although such a committee has been formed and
operating on an interim basis, each participant shall officially name said
committee representatives at the time this agreement is formally executed.
The Steering and Technical Advisory Committee shall organize by the selec-
tion of a chairman and secretary, who will keep an official record of all
meetings. Said Committee shall represent the Local Governments and parti-
cipating agencies; shall meet as required to plan, guide, and direct the
progress of the study, and may appoint special sub-committees as the need
arises. In order to expedite the work, the Steering Committee may desig-
nate an Executive Sub-Committee to work with the Director in the
administration of the project, which shall be composed of one representa-
tive of each participating agency as named above.
b. The management and actual supervision of the Pulaski County Transportation
Study shall be vested in a Director, to be appointed and approved by the
Steering Committee, subject at all times only to the plans, policies, and
procedures developed by the said Committee. The Director will give full
time to supervision and management of the Study, and as a matter of admin-
instration may be carried on the payroll of any one of the participating
agencies. The Director shall develop work schedules and operation plans
for the various phases of the Study and shall request, in writing, that
any part or phase of work be done by one or more of the participants as he
may deem appropriate, and under his direction. In the event the Transpor-
tation Study is performed under a Consultant Contract, the Director shall
be responsible for the performance of all provisions of such Contract.
The Director shall prepare a monthly report outlining the progress of the
Study for the Steering Committee and may request the Chairman to call
special meetings of the Committee or any sub-committee thereof when deemed
necessary for the progress and prosecution of the work, The full aia 'y,>
of the Director shall be an expense of the Study and as such shall be
reimbursable to the employing agency.
c. Finance - (1) It is expressly understood by the parties hereto that the
a ,
financing of the Study is conditioned (a) upon its approval and acceptance
as an item of the overall Highway Planning Survey Program of the Commis-
sion in cooperation with the Bureau of Public Roads and, as such, will be
subject to the rules and regulations governing expenditures for H.P.S.
projects, and (b) upon its approval and acceptance as an item of the Metro-
plan Planning Program, to be financed with funds made available under the
provj,sions of Section 701 of the National Housing Act of 1954 as amended,
and as such shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing
expenditures for such planning studies.
(2) It is also understood and agreed that Metroplan shall be the
Financing agency for the entire Study and as such shall pay all expenses
incurred and render the necessary billings to the participating agencies
in accordance with the pro rata share of the Study as established in para-
graph c (3) herein, except that billings to the Commission will include
the Federal Aid share. Such reimbursement by the participants shall be
made payable to "Metropolitan Area Planning Commission of Pulaski County". 1
The power to enter into contracts with Consultants, or employ individuals
or agencies to perform any part of the Study, is hereby delegated to
Metroplan, subject to the approvals set forth in paragraph c (7) hereof.
(3) The ratio of participation in cost of work performed shall be as
Project Local Govt.
Participants flog LL Ratios Amount
Federal Aid (Highway HPS) 33-1/3 $ 50,000.
Commission (State) 16-2/3 25,000.
Federal Aid (Housing,701) 33-1/3 50,000.
* Little Rock ) 54.5 13,625.
* North Little Rock) 16-2/3 30.3 7,575.
* Pulaski County ) _15.2 3 500,
100.0% 100.0`% $150,000.
The ratio of Federal Aid (HPS) and State funds may be adjusted annually, but
the combined total shall not be less than one half the total cost of the
* Participating agencies in Metroplan
{ate Mk
The ratio of participation between the local governments shall remain
fixed as set out for the life of the project.
(4) Upon issuance of a work order to the Project Director by the
Chairman of the Steering Committee, the Commission and each participating
Local Government shall within two weeks thereafter deposit with Metroplan
a sum equal to 50% of their participating cost, based upon an estimated
expenditure of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) . The funds
received by Metroplan shall be credited to the account of the respective
participants and used to defray the proportionate expense of the Study.
As the work progresses, Metroplan will bill the Commission and the Local
Governments for additional funds based upon total cost of work completed
to date as determined by work estimates prepared by the Director and
approved by the Steering Committee and in accordance with the ratio of
participation in effect. Upon completion and acceptance of all phases of
the Study, the total cost of the entire Study will be used by Metro-
plan as a basis for final settlement with the participants,
(5) No reimbursement shall be made nor credit for participation be
given to the Commission, Local Governments, or Metroplan for any work done
or information developed prior to the issuance of the work order for this
project. Nor shall reimbursement be made to the Commission or Local
Governments for any work performed by them which involved the use of fed-
eral funds made available for Highway Planning or Urban Renewal Projects
or Urban Planning Assistance Grants. All information previously developed
or developed during the life of this project by the use of Highway Plan-
ning or Urban Renewal or Urban Planning funds, which can be used in the
Study, will be made available to the Director without cost.
(6) Work performed by the Commission, the Local Governments, or
Metroplan on any part of the Study as requested by the Director and to
his satisfaction shall be subject to reimbursement by Metroplan at
b .
the actual expense incurred for wages, salaries, materials, and supplies
that were required, upon and after receipt of proper billing for such
work, prepared in the form and manner prescribed by the Director. All
approved bills incurred in the Study shall be paid by Metroplan.
(7) Upon development of satisfactory specifications and contract
by the Steering Committee, the entire Study or any part thereof may be per-
formed by a Consultant and paid for subject to execution of an agreement for
such work between the Consultant and Metroplan, but only after the Consultant
has been selected and recommeorded by the Steering Committee and approved by
the Commission, Bureau of Public Roads and the Housing and Home Finance Agency.
(8) The Study Director in cooperation with the Executive Director
of Metroplan shall establish and keep such records and accounts of the
Project as necessary so that accurate costs on each phase of the work
will be available. These records and accounts will be open to audit and
inspection of authorized representatives of any of the parties hereto or
the Bureau of Public Roads or Housing and Home Finance Agency.
d. In accordance with the first paragraph of the Recital, it is understood
and agreed that the Pulaski County Transportation Study will be presented
in two separate phases, as follows: (1) A complete factual report,
including all data pertinent to the development of an Area Transportation
Plan; (2) An overall Area Transportation Plan with methods, standards,
and recommendations for implementing said plan.
e. All data collected for the purpose of this Study shall be retained in the
files of Metroplan and shall be made available to participating agencies
as requested.
f. Any addition, deletion, or change in this agreement or any revision of an
approved contract executed under this agreement shall be subject to
approval of the Steering Committee and the participating agencies, with
concurrence of Bureau of Public Roads and the Housiug and Hone Finance
g. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their succes-
or assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands
and seals the day and date first written above.
Pulaski County, Arkansas
County Judge
City of Little Rock, Arkansas—,-
City of North Little Ronk, Arkansas
Metropolitan Area Planning Commission
of Pulaski County
Arkansas State Highway Commission
7cr irvi:-Yk=0,61VWSW 4 -4 4-vwsvomst — „ — _ ?s,
SECTION 3 . This resolution shall be in full force and
effect from and after its adoption.
ADOPTED: February 19, 1962
City Clerk May. .