2759 RESOLUTION NO. 2,759
WHEREAS , the Board of Commissioners of the Little Rock
Municipal Water Works , by resolution duly enacted on the 3rd
day of November , 1961 , has requested the Board of Directors
of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas , to approve the conveyance
of the hereinafter described real property held in the name of
the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the use and benefit of the
Little Rock Municipal Water Works ; and
WHEREAS , a portion of Arkansas State Highway No. 10 is
constructed upon said lands and said conveyance to the Arkansas
State Highway Commission is required under the provisions of Ark.
Stats . 35-914; Now, Therefore,
SECTION 1 . That the Mayor and City Clerk of Little Rock,
Arkansas, be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to execute
a warranty deed on behalf of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas,
conveying to the Arkansas State Highway Commission the following
described real property situated in Pulaski County, Arkansas ,
Beginning at a point in the center line of Arkansas State
Highway No. 10, which point is designated as Station 337
40 Arkansas State Highway Job No. 1197 , and run thence North
76 degrees 25 minutes East 395 .59 feet to the beginning of
a curve to the right having a radius of 1910 .08 feet ; thence
along an arc of this curve 1055 . 21 feet to a point on the
East line of Section 26 , Township 3 North, Range 16 West,
said point being South 298 .6 feet from the Northeast corner
of said Section 26 ; thence continuing along an arc of the
said curve to the right 288 .68 feet to its point of tangency;
thence South 63 degrees 16 minutes East 718 .52 feet to a
point in the center line of State Highway No . 10, said point
being designated as Station 361 ..E._ 78 of Arkansas State
Highway Job No . 1197 , which is the end of the relocation;
and also
A right of way of various widths as shown in the table of
widths hereby made a part of this description, measured from
the center line of the roadway described in the following
manner: Beginning at a point in the center line of Arkansas
State Highway No. 10 designated as Station 0-95 of the
relocation, which is also Station 372 31 of Arkansas State
Highway Job No . 1197 , which point is the point of beginning
of the right of way to be described; thence North 81 degrees
52 minutes East 529 .75 feet to the point of beginning of a
curve to the right having a radius of 1432 .69 feet ; thence
along an arc of this curve 72 feet to a point on the center
line of Section 25 , Township 3 North, Range 16 West , which
is 642 . 2 feet South of the Northwest corner of the NEk of
said Section 25 ; thence continuing along the arc of said
curve 493 . 25 feet to Station 10 + 00; thence continuing along
the arc of said curve 1000 feet to Station 20 00 ; thence
c oitinuing along the arc of said curve 688 feet to the point
of tangency of said curve; thence South 8 degrees 00 minutes
East 1413 feet to the point of beginning of a curve to the
left having a radius of 1146 .28 feet; thence along an arc of
this curve 1199 feet to Station 53 + 00 ; thence continuing
along an arc of said curve 53 .8 feet to a point on the range
line between Ranges 15 and 16 West which is 108 .1 feet South
of the Northwest corner of the SW? of the SW'k of Section
30, Township 3 North, Range 15 West; thence continuing along
the arc of said curve 747 .2 feet to the point of tangency of
said curve; thence North 72 degrees 00 minutes East 399 feet
to Station 65 + 00 ; thence continuing North 72 degrees 00
minutes East 1500 feet to Station 80 + 00 ; thence continuing
North 72 degrees 00 minutes East 618 .9 feet to the point of
beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1910 .08
feet ; thence along an arc of this curve 311 .6 feet to a
point on the West line of the NE4 of the SEk of Section 30,
Township 3 North, Range 15 West , which is 174.27 feet North
of the Southwest corner of the N1/2 of the NE 4 of the SE 4i
thence continuing along an arc of said curve 192.84 feet to
the Point of tangency of said curve; thence North 56 degrees
52 minutes East 76 .66 feet to Station 92 00 ; thence
continuing North 56 degrees 52 minutes East 434.6 feet to
the point of beginning of a curve to the right having a radius
of 2864.93 feet; thence along an arc of this curve 865 .4
feet to Station 105 + 00 ; thence continuing along the arc
of said curve 134.6 feet to the point of tangency of this
curve; thence North 76 degrees 52 minutes East 65 .4 feet to
Station 107 + 00 ; thence continuing North 76 degrees 52
minutes East 300 feet to Station 110 + 00 ; thence continuing
North 76 degrees 52 minutes East 300 feet to Station 113 +
00 ; thence continuing North 76 degrees 52 minutes East
479 .3 feet to a point on the East line of the SWk of the NWk
of Section 29, Township 3 North, Range 15 West , which is
- 2 -
604.8 feet North of the Southeast corner of said SW4 of
the NW4; thence continuing North 76 degrees 52 minutes East
193 .7 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a
radius of 2864. 93 feet; thence along an arc of this curve
27 feet to Station 120 + 00; thence continuing along said
curve 723 feet to the point of tangency of said curve ; thence
North 61 degrees 52 minutes East 488 feet to a point on the
center line of Section 29, Township 3 North, Range 15 West,
which is 1174.9 feet North of the center of said section;
thence continuing North 61 degrees 52 minutes East 257 .2
feet to the point of beginning of a curve to the right having
a radius of 2864. 93 feet; thence along an arc of said curve
1836 . 7 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence
South 81 degrees 24 minutes East 238 .2 feet to Station 153 +
00 ; thence continuing South 81 degrees 24 minutes East 1262. 1
feet to the point of beginning of a curve to the right having
a radius of 2864. 93 feet ; thence along an arc of this curve
600 feet to the point of tangency of this curve ; thence South
69 degrees 24 minutes East 34. 9 feet to the East line of the
SW4 of the NW4 of Section 28 , Township 3 North, Range 15 West,
at a point 8 feet South of the Northeast corner of said SW4
of the NW4 thence continuing South 69 degrees 24 minutes East
956 .6 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a
radius of 2864.93 feet; thence along an arc of this curve
350 feet to the point of tangency of said curve ; thence South
76 degrees 24 minutes East 2831 . 9 feet to the East line of
Section 28, Township 3 North, Range 15 West, at a point 185 .2
feet North of the Northeast corner of the SE4 of said Section
28 ; thence continuing South 76 degrees 24 minutes East 1164.5
feet to Station 225 -1-- 00 ; thence continuing South 76 degrees
24 minutes East 260 feet to the beginning of a curve to the
right having a radius of 2864.93 feet; thence along the arc of
this curve 1013 .33 feet to the point of tangency of said curve ;
thence South 56 degrees 08 minutes East 480 .5 feet to the
beginning of. a curve to the left having a radius of 2864. 93
feet ; thence on an arc of this curve 746 .15 feet to Station
250 00 ; thence continuing along the arc of said curve 253 .85
feet to the point of tangency of said curve ; thence South 76
degrees 08 minutes East 146 .15 feet to Station 254 00 ;
thence continuing South 76 degrees 08 minutes East 600 feet
to Station 260 + 00 ; thence continuing South 76 degrees 08
minutes East 300 feet to Station 263 + 00 ; thence continuing
South 76 degrees 08 minutes East 100 feet to Station 264
00 ; thence continuing South 76 degrees 08 minutes East 407 . 7
feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius
of 2864.93 feet ; thence along the arc of this curve 158 .3
feet to the East line of Section 27 , Township 3 North, Range
15 West, at a point which is 140 .5 feet South of the Northeast
corner of the SE4 of the SE4 of said Section 27 ; thence
continuing on an arc of said curve 191 . 7 feet to the point of
tangency of said curve ; thence South 83 degrees 08 minutes
East 150 feet to a point , said point being in the center line
of Arkansas State Highway No . 10 and designated as Station
273 + 07 . 7 of the relocation and Station 177 + 36 of Arkansas
State Highway Job No . 6251 , which is the end of the
- 3 -
From To Distance Width of Right of Way
Station Station in Feet Left of CL Right of CL Total
1+50 23+08 2458 60 60 120
0-95 10+00 1095 60 60 120
10+00 20+00 1000 60 90 150
20+00 53+00 3300 90 90 180
53±00 65+00 1200 60 60 120
65+00 80+00 1500 90 90 180
80+00 92+00 1200 120 90 210
92+00 105+00 1300 90 90 180
105+00 107+00 200 120 90 210
107+00 110+00 300 120 100 220
110+00 113+00 300 120 115 235
113+00 120+00 700 120 100 220
120+00 153+00 3543 .1 100 80 180
Includes equation
plus 243 .1 feet
153+00 225+00 7200 100 100 200
225+00 250+00 2500 90 100 190
250+00 254+00 400 150 100 250
254+00 260+00 600 90 100 190
260+00 263+00 300 90 120 210
263+00 264+00 100 60 120 180
264+00 273+07 . 7 907 . 7 60 60 120 .
SECTION 2 . That this resolution shall take effect and be in
force from and after its adoption.
ADOPTED: November 20 _, 1961 .
Mayor __
City Clerk
- 4 -
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Little Rock
Municipal Water Works has constructed an impounding lake in
Pulaski County, Arkansas, known as Lake Maumelle; and
WHEREAS, the construction of said lake required the
inundation and relocation of certain portions of Arkansas State
Highway No. 10; and
WHEREAS, the Arkansas State Highway Commission permitted
the relocated highway to be constructed by the City of Little
Rock and rights of way therefor were acquired in the name of the
City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the use and benefit of the
Little Rock Municipal Water Works ; and
ti, EREAS, Ark. Stats . 35-914 requires that title to said
rights of way now be transferred to the State; and
WHEREAS, the legal description of the rights of way
have been ascertained by consulting engineers employed by the
Little Rock Municipal Water works and approved by the State
Highway Director; Now, Therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the
Little Rock Municipal Water Works that the Board of Directors of
the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, be requested to approve the
conveyance of said rights of way to the Arkansas State Highway
Commission upon the terms and conditions set forth in the copies
of the proposed resolution and deed attached hereto.
November 1961.
„A�'iill� AmmdOMMiC
v . -
I, Lawson L. Delony, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board
of Commissioners of the Little Rock Municipal water Works,
certify that I, as such Secretary, have custody of the minutes
and documents of the Little Rock Municipal Water Works, and that
the above and foregoing is a correct copy of a resolution
adopted by said Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting
held November 3 , 1961, in the City of Little Rock,
Arkansas .
This certificate made this 3rd day of November
Secretary-Tre urer
Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned
Notary Public within and for the State of Arkansas, County of
Pulaski, this 3rd day of November , 1961.
Notary Public
My comm. expires :