2744 RESOLUTION NO. 2,7)I)4 A RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE GREATER LITTLE ROCK COUNCIL OF GARDEN CLUBS AND ENCOURAGING IMPROVEMENTS BY SAME TO WAR ME1ORIAL PARK; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS, the Greater Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs, a federation of seventy-four (74) individual garden clubs within the Greater Little Rock area, has on the basis of achievement and active participation in community affairs received for the year 1960 the H.A .N.D.S.award granted by the Community Improve- ment Fund of the Sears Roebuck Foundation; and WHEREAS, the Greater Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs desires to raise funds which, together with the H.A .N.D.S. award, is proposed for use in the improvement of a certain area in War Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, the Greater Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs has submitted plans and specifications to the City of Little Rock outlining the proposed improvements, same being recreational facilities primarily designed for elder citizens, to be located West of and adjacent to Fair Park Blvd. near Markham Street; and WHEREAS, said plans and specifications appear to be in all respects acceptable and the improvements represented thereby de- sirable; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Greater Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs is hereby commended for its public interest, achievements and zealous interest in the improvement and beautification of public and private facilities in the City of Little Rock. SECTION 2. The proposed plans as submitted by the Greater Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs for the improvement of a certain . r, -2- area in War Memorial Park west of and adjacent to Fair Park Blvd. near Markham Street, specifically identified in the plans and specifications, are accepted by the City of Little Rock with grateful appreciation as representing a general plan for the area designated which, with the cooperation of the Little Rock Planning Coilliaission and staff, can be reduced to specific plans and a specific proposal for beneficial im- provements to War Memorial Park. SECTION 3. The efforts of the Greater Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs in procuring funds necessary to finance the proposed improvements to War Memorial Park are hereby endorsed by the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock and it is sincerely hoped by said Board of Directors that the members of the respective Garden Clubs and other interested private citizens will provide adequate financing for this project. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: September 5, 1961 ATTEST: QQ �p / APPROVED: City Clerk M or I