2742 :le :1114 • e RESOLUTION NO. 2,742 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THAT PART OF THE ILLUMINATED LIGHT FIXTURES IN THE CORPORATE LIiMITS OF LITTL F ROCK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE LITTLE ROCK-NORTH LITTLE ROCK EXPRESSWAY BY THE ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Arkansas State Highway Commission is constructing an expressway through the Cities of North Little Rock and Little Rock, a distance of approximately five and two-tenths (5.2) miles, and WHEREAS, the Arkansas State Highway Commission is assuming cost of acquisition of right-of-way, utility adjustments and construction of said expressway, and WHEREAS, the Arkansas State Highway Commission by Minute Order No. 2261 authorized its Director to notify the officials of the Cities of Little Rock and North Little Rock that the State will provide for the installation of illumination facilities on said expressway within the Cities on the condi- tion that the Cities agree on or before March 1, 1958, to accept responsibility for the maintenance and operation of such illumination facilities, and i 1-AREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock at a meet- ing held February 3, 1958, did upon motion of Director Winburn, seconded by Director Mrs. Dixon, and by unanimous viva voce vote of the members of the Board of Directors present, authorize the City Manager to notify the Arkansas State Highway Commission that the City of Little Rock would assume cost of operation and maintenance of these lights on the expressway within the corporate limits, and WHEREAS, since the adoption of such voice vote there has been no written resolution entered of record, and WHEREAS, the State Highway Commission is now ready to begin installation of said illumination facilities and desires a written resolution entered of re- cord by the City of Little Rock; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas: SECTION 1. That the City of Little Rock hereby agrees to accept the responsibility for the maintenance and operation of that portion of the illumina- tion facilities installed and constructed by the Arkansas State Highway Commission 4 , r -t- on the Little Rock-North Little Rock Expressway that runs through the corporate limits of the City of Little Rock; SECTION 2. The City Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Arkansas State Highway Commission; SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: September 5, 1961 ATTEST: �� APPROVED: ���"" amity erTc Mayor