2724 RESOLUTION NO . 2724 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE LOW BID OF BRANTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF EIGHTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($18,300 .00) FOR THE REMODELING OF AN ABANDONED FIRE STATION NOW LOCATED AT MACARTHUR PARK; AWARDING A CONTRACT TO BRANTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; AUTHO- RIZING AND APPROVING THE EXPENDITURES THEREFOR FROM THE PARKS & AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND, PROJECT 41; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS, invitation for bids for the remodeling of an abandoned Fire Station at MacArthur Park for use as an Adult Recreation Center has been legally published; and WHEREAS, bids have been received and opened pursuant to said advertisement; and WHEREAS, the bid of Branton Construction Company was the lowest, responsible and responsive bid therefor; and WHEREAS, certain changes have been made in the plans and specifi- cations prepared by Bruce R. Anderson and the bid price has been re- duced commensurate with said changes by negotiation with the said Branton Construction Company, the lowest original bidder; and WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock desires to award the contract for the remodeling to Branton Construction Company; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The low bid of Branton Construction Company in the amount of Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($18,300.00) for the remodeling of the abandoned fire station now located at MacArthur Park for use as an Adult Recreation Center is hereby accepted. SECTION 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute an Agreement on behalf of the City of Little Rock with the Branton Construction Company for the said remodeling, with Agreement shall be in form and words as follows: A G R E E M E N T • THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 1961, by and between Branton Construction Company, Little Rock, Arkansas, hereinafter called the Contractor, and City of Little Rock, Arkansas, acting by and through the Mayor and City Clerk, pursuant to provisions of Resolution No. , hereinafter called the Owner, WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the considerations hereinafter named agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF THE WORK. The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all of the work shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications entitled For the Remodeling of a Building for an Adult Center for the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, Twelfth and Commerce Streets, Little Rock, Arkansas" prepared by Bruce R. Anderson acting as and in these Contract Documents entitled the Architect; and shall do everything required by 110 this Agreement, the General Conditions of the Contract, the Specifications and the Drawings. ARTICLE 2. TIME OF COMPLETION. The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in a written order of the Architect and shall be substantially completed within three (3) consecutiv months from the date of commencement. For each calendar day that the work remains unfinished after date for completion, the undersigned will pay the Owner the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as liquidated damages for failure td:, complete the work in the time as set out above. ARTICLE 3. THE CONTRACT SUM. The Owner shall pay the Contractor fore the performance of the Contract, subject to additions and deductions provided therein, in current funds as follows: Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred and No/l00 YJ Dollars ($18,300.00) . ARTICLE 4. PROCESS PAYMENTS. The Owner shall make payments on account`. of the Contract as provided therein, as follows: On or about the fifteenth (15th) day of each month ninety per cent (90%) of the value, based on the Contract prices of labor and materials incorporated in the work and of materials suitably stored at the sit- thereof up to the first (1st) day of that month, as estimated by the Architect, less the aggregate of previous payments; and upon substantial completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient to increase tne total payments to ninety percent (90%) of the Contract price. i -2- ARTICLE 5. ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT. Final payment shall be due thirty (30) days after substantial completion of the work provided the work be then fully completed and the contract fully performed. Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection and acceptance, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he finds the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully performed he shall_ promptly issue a final certificate, over his own signature, stating that the work provided for in this Contract has been com- pleted and is accepted by him under the terms and conditions thereof, and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, and noted in said final certificate, is due and payable. "G Before issuance of final certificate the Contractor shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Architect that all payrolls, material bills, and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid. If after the work has been substantially completed, full completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Architect so certifies, the Owner shall, upon certificate of the Architect, and without terminating the Contract, make payment o , portion of the work fully completed and accepted. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shal '` not constitute a waiver of claims. ARTICLE 6. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The General Conditions of the Contract, the Specifications and the Drawings, together with this Agreement, form the Contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. The following is an enumeration of the Specific tions and Drawings: INDEX Specifications Division: No. Pages_ Title Sheet Index 1: Enumeration of Drawings 1 Advertisement for Bids 1 Proposal Form 3 General Conditions 10 Supplementary General Conditions 4 Special Instructions 3 Demolition 1 -3- Excavating and Site Work 1 Concrete 2 Daxpproofing 1 Masonry 4 Miscellaneous Metals 2 Rough Carpentry 2 Roofing and Sheet Metal 2 Finished Carpentry and Millwork 3 Lathing, Plastering and Stucco 3 Floor Covering, Base, and Counter Tops 2 Glass and Glazing 1 Painting Finish Hardware 5 Elevator 3 Plumbing 2 Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilating 10 Electrical Wiring and Fixtures 9 Addendum No. 1 - Date July 7, 1961 14 ENUMERATION OF DRAWINGS Title Sheet: Sheet No. First and Second Floor Pans and Finish Schedule 1 Elevations Stair Details 2 Millwork Details 4 Mechanical Plans 5 Electrical Plans 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties heretc have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. BRANTON O:`NSTr3'JCTION COMPANY CITY uP Li r'ri.L' RUCK, A:.n:;NSA6 H v nlerk SECTION 3 . There is hereby authorized and approved the expendi- ture of Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($18 ,300 .00) from the Parks & Airport Construction Fund, Project 41, payable to Branton Construction Company for the said remodeling, which sum has previously been appropriated by ordinance. SECTION 4. The City Manager and Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary warrant or warrants in payment of moneys approved in Section 3 hereof pursuant to the Agreement authorized herein. SECTION 5 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: July 17, 1961 ATTEST: / APPROVED: City Clerk or .