2640 RESOLUTION NO. 2,640 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING J. V. SATTERFIELD, JR. TO THE AIRPORT COMMISSION; REAPPOINTING R. H. CARRICK TO THE AUDITORIUM COMMISSION; REAPPOINTING GEORGE K. MORRISON, CARL HABIG, WM. SCHRIVER, AND CARL S. SMALLEY TO THE ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD; AND APPOINTING S. GARNIER PURYEAR TO THE LITTLE ROCK HOUSING AUTHORITY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. J. V. Satterfield, Jr. is hereby reappointed to the Airport Commission of the City of Little Rock effective November 20, 1960, for a five (5) year term ending November 19 , 1965 . SECTION 2. R. H. Carrick is hereby reappointed to the Auditorium Commission of the City of Little Rock effective January 1, 1961, for a five year term ending December 31, 1965 . SECTION 3. George K. Morrison, Electric Contractor; Carl Habig, Electric Contractor; Wm. Shriver, Journeyman Electrician; and Carl S. Smalley, Representative of Fire Prevention Bureau, are hereby reappointed to the Electrical Examining Board of the City of Little Rock effective January 1, 1961, for three year terms ending December 31, 1963. SECTION 4. S. Garnier Puryear is hereby appointed to the Little Rock Housing Authority effective upon the passage of this resolution for the remainder of an unexpired term heretofore filled by Glen F. Rogers ending October/9, 1963 . SECTION 5 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOP'T'ED: February 6, 1961 ATTEST: APPROVED: i/(W City Clerk Mayor.