2459 RESOLUTION NO . 2459 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS , TO JOIN IN A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH' THE OWNERS OF ALL OF THE REAL ESTATE IN CERTAIN BLOCKS AND LOTS OF WATKINS ADDITION AND NATIONAL PARK SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, TO CLOSE AND ABANDON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF GEYER AND EAST 23TH STREETS; FINDING THAT SAID DEDICATED STREETS ARE NOT NEEDED FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES; THAT THE WELFARE OF THE CITY WILL BE ENHANCED AND PROMOTED BY THE CLOSING OF SAID STREETS; ; PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL SUPERSEDE AND RESCIND RESOLU- TION NO. 2449 ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS, it appearsthat the owners of all of the real estate, in Block 7 and 8 and the South 150 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Watkins Addi- tion to the City of Little Rock and Lots 11 through 20 of Block 3 and Lots 2 and 3 of Block 4, National Park Subdivision have determined to close and vacate the streets contiguous upon tie above described lots and blocks and attach same to the abutting lots in said blocks; and have agreed to join execution of acts of agreement to accomplish said purpose; and WHEREAS, it appears and it is hereby found and determined that said streets, Geyer and East 28th, situated contiguous to and lying between the above described lots and blocks are not needed for highway purposes and that the welfare of the City will be enhanced and promoted by the closing and abandoning of said streets; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Ark- ansas, acting by and through the Mayor and City Clerk of said City, shall join with the owners of all of the real estate situated in Blocks 7 and e and the South 150 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock and Lots 11 through 20, Block 3 and Lots 2 and 3 of Block 4 of National Park Subdivision , in a written agreement to close and abandon the streets , Geyer and East 23th, lying between and contiguous to the said lots and blocks, which agreement without Acknow- ledgments is as follows: WHEREAS, Geyer Street is platted and dedicated contiguous to and between the south 150 feet of Lot 4 , Block 2, Watkins Addition to the City o._ Little Rock; East 'half of Lot 4 and the East Ulf of Lot 1 , except the west 60 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Lot 1 , diock 1 , Watkins Addittor, to the :;.t.ty of Little flock; Lot 20, ' ioCe. 3, National Lark Subdivision to the City of Little hock; Lots 2 ant 4lock 6 , 4: ukias Odition to the City of Little toc• ; and East i'wenty-., .o: , .;t -eet is pl.atte6 and dedicated contiguous to and between Lots l.7 -20, 3 ! ock 73 , National_ Park Subdivision to the City of Little Kock ; Lots 2 and 3 , Block 4, National Park Suhdivis .on to the City of Little :ock; Lots 1 and 2 , Block `� , Watkins Aclditi.or to the City of Little Rock; .ine WHEREAS, Raymond A. `<arther, Trustee , is the owner in fee simple absolute of the East Half of Lot 1 , except the west 60 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Lot I , Block 7, Watkins Addi- tion to the City of Little Rock; and East Half of Lot 4, Block. 7 , Watkins Addition to the City of little ;'cock; and WHEREAS, Hastings ' a1 ty Company is the -whet. in fee simple absolute of the south 150 feet of Lot 4, Block ? , Watkins Addition to the City of Little :oci.; and WHEREAS, the City of Little took is the owner in fee si:Bn1e absolute of Lots 11-20, Block 3, National Pare. Subdivision co the City of Little Kock; Lots 2 and 3, Stock ' , ' ationa' Park Subdivision Le the City of Little Rock; and Lots 1 , 7 and 3 , Block 3 , Watkins Addition to the City of little Rock ; ssnr WHEREAS, the Municipal Waterworks of the City of Little o.,-.', s the owner of certain facilities situated under and upon said streets ; and WHEREAS, the Arkansas LOIlib.ianA Gas Conpany is the owner .,t certain facilities situated tender and t'pon the said streets; led WHEREAS, the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, a corporation, is the owner of certain facilities situated over, along and upon the said streets ; ar.d t1NE , AS, the Arkansas Power. and Light Company is the owner of certain facilities situated over, along and upon the said streets ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, by Resolution No. , duly adopted and approved on the day of , 1959, has found and deter- mined that said streets contiguous to and between the south 150 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock; East Half of Lot A and the East Half of Lot 1, except the west 60 feet of the Northeast quarter of Lot 1 , Block 7 , Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock; Lot 20, Block 3, National Park Subdivision to the City of Little Rock; Lots 2 and 3, Block 8, Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock; Lots 11-20, Block 3 , National Park Subdivision to the City of Little Rock; Lots 2 and 3, Block 4 , National Park Subdivision to the City of Little Rock; Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock, are not needed for highway purposes and that the welfare of the City will be enhanced and promoted by the closing and abandoning of said streets and has determined to join with the owners of all the real estate above described in a written agreement to close and abandon portions ui eyer Street and East Twenty-Eighth Street, contigtous to the above described property, and has authorized the Mayor and City Clerk of the City to enter into said agreement for and in behalf of the City. MOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Raymond A. Karcher , Trustee; Hastings Realty Company; the City of Little Rocks M nicipal Waterworks of the City of Little Rock; Arkansas Powe. and Light Company, a corpora- tion; Arkansas Louis-ana .;ac Compan_.•, a corporation; and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, A corporation, as the owners of the fee simple absolute t1t'_a to the above described property, and a.s the owners of facilities situated Over, under, upon, along and across the streets herein mentioned and set forth , and the City of Little Rock, Arkansas , as the owner of easements for highways and other purposes , fcr and consideration of the recitals herein contained, do by this act of agreement vacate and wholly •Lose up as public streets , Oeyer Stre t Leech is platted and dedicated contiguous to and between the south 15G feet of Lot 4 , ;;lock 2, Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock; East 4alf of Lot 4 and the East Half of Lot 1, except the west 60 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Lot 1, Block 7 , Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock; Lot 20, Block 3, National Park Subdivision to the City of Little Rock; Lots 2 and 3 , Block 8, Watkins Addition to the !'l.tv of Little Rock; and East Twenty-Eighth Street which is putted and dedicated contiguous to and between Lots 11-2n, Block 3 , National Park Subdivision to the City of Little Rock; Lots 2 and 3 , Block 4 , National Park Sub- division to the City of Little Sock; lots I and 2, Block E, Watkins Addition to the City of Little Rock, and do hereby appropriate and attach the lands covered thereby to the abutting lots and blocks above described. Reserved unto Arkansas Power and Light Company, Arkansas Lou i siana Gas Company, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and the Municipal Waterworks of the City of Little sock, shall be the right of ingress and egress to maintain existing facilities located over, under, along, upon yr across those portions of the streets herewith closed and abandoned. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the sa :.d Raymond A. Karcher, Trusted , and unto his successors and assigns forever, Flastings ealty Company, and the City of Little Rock, with all appurtenances thereunto WIFNLSS our ;)ands and seals as of this day of , 1959. WITNESS : r a}i^nd A. Karcher, Trustee WITNESS: HASTINGS REALTY COMPANY Ay: WITNESS . y •_ , l T_ \1 O R . S OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS By ATTEST: kR.KNNSAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY uy ATTEST: AI KANSAS LOUISIANA GAS COMPANY By: ATTEST: SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 3y:_ ATTEST: CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS By: SECTION 2. That upon the proper execution and acknowledgment of said instrument and the filing of the same in the office of the Recorder of Pulaski County, Arkansas, the title to the land comprising said streets so abandoned shall vest in the owners of the real estate adja- cent thereto, each such adjacent owner taking title to the middle of said streets. SECTION 3 . It is hereby found and determined that said streets described in Section 1 above are not needed for highway purposes and that the welfare of the City will be enhanced and promoted by the closing and abandoning of said streets. SECTION 4. This resolution shall supersede and rescind Resolution No. 2449 adopted by the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock on November 16, 1959 . SECTION 5 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: December 7, 1959 ATTEST: / APPROVED: jeirp/ City Clerk May