2326 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2326 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DESIGNATING THE ARKANSAS STATE WELFARE DEPARTMENT AS THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK'S CERTIFICATION AND SCREENING AGENT FOR MEDICALLY INDIGENT RESIDENTS OF SAID CITY TO BE ADMITTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS MEDICAL CENTER; PROVIDING THAT THE ARKANSAS STATE WELFARE DEPARTMENT SHALL USE ITS PRESENT STANDARDS IN MAKING A DETERMINATION OF THE FINANCIAL ABILITY OF LITTLE ROCK RESIDENTS CLAIMING TO BE INDIGENT AND SEEKING ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS MEDICAL CENTER; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, The Arkansas State Welfare Department has agreed to act as a screening and certification agent for the City of Little Rock for the purpose of certifying to the University of Arkansas Medical Center such residents of said City as are eligible for admission to said Center by reason of indigency, and WHEREAS , the City of Little Rock desires to designate said Arkansas State Welfare Department as its sole agent for this purpose; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Arkansas State delfare Department is hereby authorized and designated as the City of Little Rock' s certifi- cation and screening agent for medically indigent residents of said City to be admitted to the University of Arkansas Medical Center. SECTION 2. The Arkansas State Welfare Department shall use its present standards in making a determination of the financial ability of Little Rock residents claiming to be indigent and seeking admission to the University of Arkansas Medical `enter. SECTION 3 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: April 20, 1959 ATTEST. --) `.-{ e APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor.