2293 RESOLUTION NO. 2293 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE PULASKI COUNTY SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES SERVING IN THE 62ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS NOW CONVENED, THE PASSAGE OF HOUSE BILL 11, HOUSE BILL 63 , SENATE BILL 88, AND SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 4, ALL OF WHICH ARE NOW PENDING BEFORE SAID GENERAL ASSEMBLY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock believes that House Bill 11 authorizing facsimile signatures by State and Local Government Officials on bonds, notes and other certificates of indebtedness would, if passed, greatly facilitate the handling of such certificates of indebtedness by the City, and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors believes that House Bill 63 which prohibits the sale or use of fire works would, if passed, reduce the hazard inherrent in such fire works to the citizenry of this City, and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors believes that Senate Bill 88 establishing and standardizing the purchasing procedures for municipalities would, if passed, greatly improve the purchase procedures of all 1st and 2nd Class municipalities in the State of Arkansas, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors believes that Senate Joint Resolution 4 proposing to the voters in the next General Election an Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas to allow municipalities to levy a special tax for public improvements would, if adopted by the General Assembly and approved by the voters in the next General Election, be of great assistance to the City by making available additional funds for much needed public improvements, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Board of Directors of the .City of Little Rock hereby recommends to the Senators and Representatives of -2- Pulaski County serving in the 62nd General Assembly of the State of Arkansas now convened the passage of the following legislation now pending before the said General Assembly which is of vital interest to the City of Little Rock: House Bill 11 House Bill 63 Senate Bill 88 Senate Joint Resolution 4 SECTION 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: February 2, 1959 ATTEST: APPROVED: —1214wiL ),0 !!17 City Clerk Mayor.