2268 f RESOLUTION NO . 2268 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9TH AND SHERMAN STREETS, MORE PARTICULARLY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, TO BE USED BY THE CITY AS A SITE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FIRE STATION FOR A COST NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY THREE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($23 ,000 .00) ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate with the owners of the following described property: Part of the SW4 of Section 2, Township 2 North, Range 12 West , located in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the North line of East 9th Street with the West line of Sherman Street, thence West along the North line of East 9th Street, a distance of 138.5 feet more or less to a point which is 296 feet East of the intersection of the Quapaw line with the North line of East 9th Street; thence North 115 .5 feet : thence East a distance of 138 .5 feet more or less to the West line of Sherman Street ; thence South along the West side of Sherman Street a distance of 115 .5 feet to the point of beginning. The location of Sherman Street is as of December 15 , 1958 . AND The South part of Lots 11 and 12 Block 3 Johnson ' s Addi- tion to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas , more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West side of Sherman Street (as the same exists on December 15 , 1958) at a point which is 145 feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 11 Block 3 Johnson ' s Addition, or the Southeast corner of East 8th & Sherman Streets ; thence West to a point on the West line of Lot 12 Block 3 Johnson ' s Addition , which is 145 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 12 Block 3 Johnson ' s Addition; thence South to the Southwest corner of said Lot 12; thence East to the Southeast corner of said Lot 12 Block 3 Johnson ' s Addition on the West side of Sherman Street to a point which is 115 .5 feet more or less North of the intersection of the West side of Sherman Street with the North line of East 9th Street ; thence North along the West side of Sherman Street to the point of beginning, for the purchase thereof, for a price not to exceed Twenty Three Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($23 ,000 .00) . The said property is to be used as a site for the construction of a fire station . SECTION 2 . This resolution shall be in full force and -2- effect from and after its adoption . ADOPTED: December 15, 1958 ATTES APPROVED: City Clerk itr(14/4:4110" .yor .