2259 RESOLUTION NO . 2259 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO REPRESENT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK ON THE DELINQUENT TAX BOARD OF PULASKI COUNTY, ARKANSAS; PRESCRIBING HIS AUTHORITY THEREIN; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, A RI NSAS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of Little Rock is hereby authorized and directed to represent the Board of Directors of said City on the Delinquent Tax Board of Pulaski County , Arkansas . SECTION 2. As such representative on the Delinquent Tax Board the Mayor shall have authority to nominate for appointment such person or persons as collectors of delinquent personal q p property taxes as in his opinion are qualified for such positions . SECTION 3 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption . ADOPTED: November 17, 1958 ATTEST: �G APPROVED: 7Jity Clerk Mayo