2255 RESOLUTION NO. 2255 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING E.T.LEONARD AS COMMISSIONER OF STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 582 TO FILL VACANCY WHEREAS, G. G. Stifter, a duly appointed, qualified .nd acting Commissioner of Street Improvement District No. 582, Little Rock, Arkansas, died in July, 1958, and there exists a acancy on the Board of Commissioners of said District by reason hereof; and. WHEREAS, property owners in said Street Improvement iistrict No. 582, Little Rock, Arkansas, have requested the appoint ent of E. T. Leonard, residing at 592+ "A" Street, in Little Rock, Lrkansas, and a property owner in said District, as successor to said G. G. Stifter and to fill the vacancy due to the death of the said G. G. Stifter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF 'DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, that E. T. Leonard •e, and he is hereby, appointed as a Commissioner of and for Street Improvement District No. 582, Little Rock, Arkansas, and said E. T. Leonard is hereby directed to take the oath of office as required by law and to enter upon his duties as such Commissione4 . APPROVED: .W Mayor ADOPTED: November 17, 1958 Date ).3 te,i A City Clerk •