2205 RESOLUTION NO . 2205 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONTRACT, TO BE EXEC'ED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK, ON BIDS FOR HEATER PLANING MAIN STREET FROM THE SOUTH END OF THE MAIN STREET BRIDGE THROUGH THE INTERSECTION OF NINTH STREET; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Pavement Planing Company, 1604 Asher Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, is the lowest responsible bidder for heater planing Main Street from the South End of Main Street Bridge through the intersection of Ninth Street, and WHEREAS, the Board desires to let contract for the performance of said services, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. There is hereby awarded to Pavement Planing Company, 1604 .Asher Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, the contract, to be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk, for heater planing Main Street from the South End of Main Street Bridge through the intersection of Ninth Street covering some 16,900 square yards for a total consideration of Two Thousand Twenty-Eight Dollars ($2,028 .00) . SECTION 2. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption . ADOPTED: June 2, 1958 ATTEST: 7i3 e.e.S,orj APPROVED: City Clerk. A67/ 4