2119 RESOLUTION NO. 2119 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE DATE FOR HEARING ON A PETITION TO CLOSE A t.* +.a.:+4 PART OF 33RD STREET.'. WHEREAS, Joseph B. Hurst and W. P. Gulley, Jr. have filed a petition before the City Council seeking to vacate the follow- ing street in Little Rock, Arkansas: That part of 33rd Street lying in Watson 's Addition to Little Rock that is adjacent and abutting Lot 6, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, of Watson' s Addition to Little Rock. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: That the date of the hearing on the foregoing petition be set at 8:00 p.m. on October 22, 1956; That the City Clerk give publication notice of this hearing at the expense of the petitioners, said notice to be given once a week for two consecutive weeks in some news- paper published in Pulaski County and having a general cir- culation in Little Rock. ADOPTED: September 24, 1956 /� APPROVED• a 2i� �- / Woodrow W. Ma ririC/-�� Mayor X13600410030XYLEMANXXXXXXYDCXX,XZWOQC ATTEST: R9A001‘44e City Clerk