2073 RESOLUTION N0. 2073
NO. 608
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Curb & Gutter
Improvement District No. 608 of Little Rock, Arkansas, has decided
that it would be to the best interests of the District if only
resident property owners in the District should serve as Commissioners
for said District and that said resident property owners should live
in different sections of the District; and
WHEREAS, John L. Lipsmeyer, a duly qualified Commissioner,
has tendered his resignation as Commissioner because he is living
in the same section of the District as another Commissioner, and
has recommended the appointment of Harold H. Reid , who lives in
a different section of the District, as his successor; and said
resignation should be accepted; and
WHEREAS, Peyton E. Rice, a duly qualified Commissioner,
has tendered his resignation as Commissioner because although Ye
owns property in the District he does not live in the District, and
has recommended the appointment of Julius C. Bemberg., a resident
property owner in the Distr•ic :, as his successor; and said resig-
nation should also be accepted; and
WHEREAS, the remaining qualified Commissioner has re-
ported to the City Council the action of said Board and has recom-
mended the acceptance of said resignation and the appointment of
Harold H. Reid end Julius C . Bemberg to the Board of Improvement of
said District and has represented that both are resident property
owners from different sections in said District and are qualified
by law to serve as such Commissioners; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that Harold H. Reid and Julius C . Bemberg
be and they are hereby appointed to the Board of Improvement of
Curb & Gutter Improvement District No. 608 of Little Rock, Arkansas,
as Commissioners , who shall forthwith take their oaths of office and
enter upon their duties with the other commissioner of said District.
ADOPTf D January 23 , 1956.
Approved .
Attest: Mayor
City -Clerk