1977 RESOLUTION NO. 1977 RESOLUTION APPOINTING SUCCESSOR COLliISSIONER IN STREET IMPROVE ENT DISTRICT NO. 593. WHEREAS, since being appointed a commissioner in Street Improvement District No. 593 of Little Rock, Arkansas, William H. Esslinger, Jr. , has accepted employment out of the city and in the State of Alabama and can no longer serve as commissioner in said district; and WHEREAS, William H. Esslinger, Jr. , has tendered his resignation as commissioner in said District and said resignation should be accepted; and WHEREAS, Mr. Esslinger and the Board of Commissioners of said District have recommended the appointment of James G. Mathis qs successor to Er. Esslinger on said Board of Improvement and have represented that Mr. Mathis is a property owner in said District; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that James G. Mathis be and he is hereby appointed a commissioner for Street Improvement District No. 593 of Little Rock, Arkansas , who shall forthwith take the oath of office and enter upon his duties with the other commissioners of said District. ADOPTED • August 31, 953 ATrl'EST ; APPROVED: City Clerk :-,.- or