1976 RESOLUTION NO. 1976 RESOL;JTION APPOINTING C(L,, ISSIONER IN STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 592 WHEREAS, by resolution heretofore adopted by the City Council of Little Rock, Arkansas, William u. McLendon was appointed Commissioner to take the place of Lee K. Jacks on the Board of Improvement of Street Improve lent District o. 592 of Little Rock, Arkansas ; and WHEREAS, said William '.J. McLendon failed to take his oath of office within ten days after his appointment ; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that William W. McLendon be and he is hereby r eappointed as commissioner for Street Improvement District No. 592 of Little Rock, Arkansas , and he shall forthwith take the oath of office and enter upon his duties with the other commissioners of the District. ADOPTED: August 31, 1953 ATTEST : ( APPROVED: ,A0 City Clerk or