1968 rte. RESOLUTION NO. 1968 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION TO HIRE TWO SEASONAL LABORERS FOR 2HE MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST TO WORK IN THE PARKS OF LITTLE ROCK, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS the Parks and Maintenance Division is authorized by an ordinance to employ six seasonal laborers for the Parks and Maintenance Division during the months of June, July and August, and WHEREAS it is necessary that additional work be done during the months of June, July and August by the Parks Maintenance Division: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEL CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LI TLLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of the Department of tbroumh Civil Service parks and Recreation be instructed to employ/tiw (21 seasonal laborers for the months of June, July and ku, ust for work in the parks of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas . SECTION 2. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED: June 8, 1953 ATTEST : APPROVED: At* 1212.4"---•-4 City Clerk Mayor