1888 RESOLUTION NO. 1888
WHEREAS, on July 10, 1950, the City Council of the City of
Little mock, Arkansas, adopted a resolution, entitled "Resolution
Videning and Adding Lands to Hayes and Markham Streets", being
resolution No. 1881; and, whereas no part of the lands added by
said resolution to said streets has been used or taken possession
of for street purposes; and, whereas those portions of the lands
added to said streets by said resolution, which are not included in
the lands added herein, are not for the time bein' required for
corporate purposes.
Now Therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City
of Little Rock, Arkansas :
Section 1. That said resolution No. 1881 be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Section 2. That for the purpose of widening and straightening
Markham Street from Monroe Street to Hayes Street, all portions of
the following described tract of land, not already a part of Markham
Street, be and the same are hereby opened up as a public street and
added to and made a part of Markham Street, to-wit:
A strip of land 80 feet bride extending from the west line of
Monroe Street to the east line of Hayes Street, and including all that
land lying on the North side of and within 25 feet of the south line of
Ni Ni Sec. 6 TIN R`12W and all that land lying on the south side of and
within 55 feet of the south line of Ni N2 of said Sec 6.
Section 3. And, that for the purpose of opening, widening and
straightening Hayes Street from Eighth Street to Highway No. 10
(Cantrell Road or Q Street) , all portions of the following described
tract of land not already a part of Hayes street, be and the same are
hereby opened up as a -public streetand added to and made a part of
Hayes Street, to-wit:
A stria of land 60 feet aide, extending from the north line of
Eighth Street to the south line of Markham Street, and including all
that land lying east of and within 60 feet of the west boundary line
of Sec 6 T1N R12tti, and a strip of land 30 feet wide extending from
the north line of Markham Street to the south line of Lee Avenue,
- 2 -
and including all that land lying east of and within 30 feet of the
west boundary line said Sec 6; and a strip of land 60 feet wide
extending from the north line of Lee klvenue to the south line of
said Highway No. 10, the center line of which strip of land is the
west boundary line of Sec 31 T2N R12W.
Section 4. That all portions of the lands added to said
streets by said resolution No. 1881, which are not included in the
lands added to s aid streets by the above and foregoing resolution,
be and the same are hereby vacated; and that the City of Little
Rock does hereby release, surrender and abandon all of its rights,
together with the rights of the public generally, in and to sai d
vacated p ortions of said streets.
ADOPTED: August 28, 1950.
Attest : Approved:
ity Clerk. ° Mayor.