1880 RESOLUTION NO. 1880 RESOLUTION AUTHORIG1LNG THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN PETITION FOR CREATION OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO PAVE PORTIONS OF HAYES AND MARKHAM_ STREETS, AND OBLIGATING THE CITY TO PAY BENEFITS ASSESSED AGAINST ITS PROPERTY. Whereas, petitions are now being circulated praying the City Council of the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the formation of an improvement district for the purpose of grading, draining; and paving, and to construct bridges, culverts and storm sewers incident thereto, Hayes Street from Cantrell Road to Lee Avenue, and the east half of Hayes Street from Lee Avenue to Eighth Street, and Markham street from Hayes Street to Van wren Street; and Whereas the city of Little Rock owns lands adjacent to said proposed improvement, some of which land is embraced within the boundaries of said proposed district; and Whereas, the city derives an income from said lands, consisting of fees paid for playing golf, fees paid for swimming, and profits from the sale of confections; and whereas said improvement would be of great benefit to said land and would increase its value and would increase the in- come therefrom, and would greatly reduce the expense of regulating traffic, and materially assist in relieving traffic congestion on said streets arising out of activities in and around Fair Park; and whereas said improvement would be of great benefit to the city as a whole; aid Whereas, the city should bear its part of the cost of said improvement, and whereas benefits should be assessed against the property of the city within the boundaries of said proposed district the same as against privately owned p perty, and whereas such benefits should be paid by the city; and whereas the city as an inducement to other owners of land in said proposed district to sign said petition and in con- sideration of such signatures, should obligate itself to pay such assessed benefits, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFLITTLE ROCK: That the mayor and city clerk of the City of Little Rock be and they are hereby authorized and directed - 2 - to sign said petition, for and in the name and behalf of the City of Little Rock, and that the City of Little Rock hereby agrees and binds and obligates itself to pay, in installments as levied, all benefits that maybe assessed against its r operty in said district. ADOPTED: July 10, 1950. ATTEST APPROVED: Ci Clerk Mayor