1875 if)L 1 K to 4 f 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1875 A RESOLUTION ASSIGNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLSOPP PARK TO THE LITTLE ROCK COOPERATIVE CLUB. ,HEREAS, THERE IS A GREAT NEED FOR TII:E DEVELOP_4 LNT OF. ALLSOPP PARK AS A PUBLIC RECREATION FACILITY VuITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF TH_E CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, AND WHEREAS, THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK IS NOT FINANCIALLY ABLE TO DEVELOP AND EQUIP ALLSOPP PARK AT THE ?RESENT TIi E, AND HERE AS, THE LITTLE ROCK COOPERATIVE CLUB, A PROGRESSIVE CIVIC ORGANIZATION, HAS VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO POSTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLSOPP PARK AS ITS LONG RANGE PROJECT, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the development of �=,llso -gyp Park be assigned as a civic project of the Little Rock Cooperative Club from this date until its completion or the withdrawal of the organization. SECTION 2. That no other organization or individual be allowed to develop areas within the ,park from this day forth unless a ;proved by the Superintendent of Parks?RecreattonY- 11s Will give the Cooperative Club the full and complete responsibility of sponsoring the develocilent of Allso:vp Park in conjunction with the Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department. S ,CTIO 3. All phases of the development of the park shall be approved by the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation in conforming to the master plan for the park as designed in 1924 by John. Nolen with appropriate variations . SECTION 4. The park shall be under the supervision of the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Little Rock and shall be conducted as a public park. < n r equipment installed and improvements effected by the Little Rock Cooperative Club immediately shall become the property of the City of Little Rock. ADOPT ,D: May 22, 1950, APPROVED: W•29 1 aa; o r. ATTEST: `ems/ � ity Clerk.