1862 RESOLUTION NO. 1862 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY WITH LITTLE ROCK AIRCRAFT SALES FOR THE USE OF HANGAR 22-B AND OTHER FACILITIES AT THE MUNICIPAL, AIRPORT: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS the LITTLE ROCK AIRCRAFT SALES, a base flying Field, engaged exclusively in sales and service of aircrt, and al on Adams ducting a flying service under the auspices and direction of and CISVILi con- ducting ADMINISTRATION for the training of pilots, and WHEREAS the said LITTLE ROCK AIRCRAFT SALES hangars, identified as 22-B, consisting of four 4) units,occupying the whole Pe «ti an aircraft repair station and storage ( ) units, and therein operating g unit, and WHEREAS the LITTLE ROCK AIRCRAFT SALES has expended mare than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in improving hangar 22-B and is desirous of further improv- ing said hangar for the use and convenience of an Aviation Repair Station, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the LITTLE ROCK AIRCRAFT SALES to continue occupancy of the said Hangar be allowed HUNIRED AND SI�CTY DOLLARS g 22-B, at the current charge of NINE HUNNiTY DOLLARS S ($ 960.00) annually, payable in monthly installments of ($80.00) on the first day of each calendar month, at the Municipal Airport office, and allowed to retain useage of the customary to hangar 22-B midway between 22-B and 22-A y and parking- space of area East of building line of 22-B for the and 22-B and 22..0 and 20 feet for parking of planes or tie down facilities for lanessowned, leas d, 2r_b and repaired by lessee, and other useage incident to the operation of leased, being P y � g repair Station for a period of five p u'craft December 31, 1954; that the Airport Manager be directedgto ainvoice LITTLE ROCK ending CRAFT SALES at one half monthly rental rate until contracture' cost of concrete placed in^T Hangar 22-B by lessee, is reimbursed to tenant, said amount not to exceed ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00). Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute such contract or lease agreement for and on behalf of the CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, unit of MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. ADOPTED: January 30, 1950.95 A.pprOve a.taa.2� Mayor ATtest City Clerk