1858 C ORLE Y RESOLUTION NO. 1858 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE ADMIN- ISTRA 'OR TO EARMARK CERTAIN CAPITAL GRANT FUNDS UNDER 'TITLE I OF THE HOUSIi;G ACT OF 1949 FOR THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . WHEREAS, Under Title I of the housing Act of 1949 the Housing and Home Fin- ance Administrator is authorized to assist local communities in el- . iminating their slums and blighted areas and in providing maximum opportunity, consistent Ath the sound needs of the locality as a whole , for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise , and to that end is authorized to make local public agencies advan- ces for surveys and plans in preparation of projects , capital grants , and temporary and definitive loans ; and WHEREAS, The Housing and Home Finance Administrator will consider requests for the reservation or earmarking of the first c200,000,000 that will be made available under Title I for capital grants; NOW THER.N.; 'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARK: SECTION 1. That upon the basis of preliminary studies it is considered to be in the public interest and it is the desire and purpose of the Community that there be undertaken and carried out , with the aid of capital grants out of said 5200,000,000 certain slum clearance and redevelopment cork in the Community, and that such work, or at least the surveying or planning in connection therewith, can be started prior to July 1, 1951. SECTION 2. That theAdministrator be and he is hereby request- ed to reserve or earmark for such work out of said 4F200,000,000 an amount not exceeding 5659,680.00. SECTION 3. ghat it is hereby recognized that under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 certain requirements are imposed in order to obtain Federal aia thereunder for slum clearance and redevelopment projects including requirements for the provision of local grants- i• n-aid , the approval of redevelopment plans by the governing body, of the locality, the making of certain findings by such governing body, and other requirements , and it is further recognized that the r cooperation of the Cormunity is necessary to carry out the slum clearance and redevelopment program which is proposed to be under- taken and i or which the reservation of funds is hereby requested . SECTION 4. That H. C . Graham, the duly authorized City Clerk of the City of Little Rock be and he is hereby directed to forward to said Administrator three certified copies of this resolution and such othersupporting data and information as may be recuired , and that this resolution shall constitute the Cit7.> of Little Rock 's formal request to the Administrator for the reservation of Capital Grant Monies . ADOPTED: January 9, 1950. ATTEST : AFPROVED : ` / I/ City Clerk Mayor