1814 RES OLUT I ON NO. 1814. A RESOLU'TI _:AIVING THE la GHT OF THE CITY OF LL12TLE IOCK , ARKANSAS TO RE MOVA'L REQUIREivENT S ON HOUSING PROJECT , VN3199 LOCATED AT 16TH AT, D H-It i STREETS , IN FAVOR OF ARKANSAS BAPTIS T COLLEGE; AND FOR OTI R PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Little Rock, State of Arkansas which has juris- diction over the area in which Project VN3199 — of Arkansas Baptist College is located that the waiver of the removal requirements of Section 313 of the Lanham Act (Public Law 849, 76th Congress , as amended) with respect to said project is here- by specifically approved in accordance with. Public Law 796, 80th Congress . ADOPTED: October 25 , 1948 . AFF(R eVED: Rp or ATTEST City Cle rk.