1806 RESOLUTION NO. 1806 AApRRpESOOLgUTION PERM TTTING THE LITTLE ROCK RECREATION COMMISSION A I �NEVOLENT COR- TO �1ITHHdLDOAITW REAI�Upp��II IPA S,` I� Ie POOL• DI*CiiiB HE RaTXPATT Ey E �IOI� AG�IidS� AID COflIi�I�SSI(5N'• r,EXPR;�£SIIdG A,. PR a�IATION TO MEMBERS OF SAID COMMISSION FOR THEIR EFFICIENT OPEE ITI ON OF SAID SWIMMING POOL; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Little the city council of L Rock, Arkansas , has heretofore directed the city attorney to take the necessary steps to gain control of the Lunicipal Swimming Pool located at Fair Park from the Little Rock Recreation Commission, a benevolent corporation, and WHEREAS, the Little Rock Recreation Commission has expressed its desire to operate said swimming pool from the remainder of the present season, and that at the close thereof on or aboutSetembe.r, 15, 1948, will voluntarily relinquish control to the city, and WHEREAS, in the best interests of the citizens of Little Rock and upon the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1. That the Little Rock Recreation Commission, a benevolent corporation, be permitted to operate theunicipal Swimming Pool at the Fair Park for the rem-aining part of the present season which ends on or about the 15th day of September, 1948. SECTION 2. That the city attorney is directed to withhold any further action or proceedings against said commission. SECTION 3. That in view of the enthusiasm, unselfishness , and efforts of the members 'of the Little Rock Recreation Commission, namely: J. C. Conway, irs. hahlon D. Ogden, and C. h. Duttlinger, in their efficient operation and management of the municipal swimming pool for the past eight years, this body desires tc ex_ ress its greatest appreciation to the members of said commission; that the city clerk is directed to transmit copies of this resolution to said members. ADOPTED: July 12 , 1948. ATTEST : APPROVED: ° CITY C LERI} i.:AYOR